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My final solution to all of sg’s problems


Re: My final solution to all of sg’s problems

Change is inevitable as life is dynamic Bro. What is of more importance is that there is relative peace and stability with any Change and that the whole country comes out the better for it after each Change process. At the end of the day Singapore and Singaporeans need to find their own political redemption that they are reasonably comfortable with. Oh and I believe we shall see real Change after LKY finally passes on, perhaps not straight away but possibly in the next 5-10 years after that. Till then, it is all up in air really, but with this financial tsunami, internet and globalisation, well who knows?

once in a while you need to take a plane and see from above, how peaceful the world really is, despite small conflicts here and there....


(1) those points raised by angry_one deserved discussions;

(2) cleareyes is not wrong in his statement...the implementation of those points will cause severe dislocations in singapore's economy and there is one further aspect which none touches on - what are the side effects of these points? We had been paying for the learning curves of the PAP all these years - do we really want to make further payments?

(3) the criticisms against the mega churches are mostly unfair; i met a lot of members of these churches and they are amongst the happiest people i have met, people who are socially motivated to uplift the standard of living of others; there are many other points i can write but you must first move away from your anger if you are to see the situation for what it is; anger distorts

(4) the pap is not that bad a political party; i believe they had lost their sense of direction and priorities

(5) there is no such thing as a 'final solution' given that the world is evolving and singapore is an open economy


(1) those points raised by angry_one deserved discussions;

(2) cleareyes is not wrong in his statement...the implementation of those points will cause severe dislocations in singapore's economy and there is one further aspect which none touches on - what are the side effects of these points? We had been paying for the learning curves of the PAP all these years - do we really want to make further payments?

(3) the criticisms against the mega churches are mostly unfair; i met a lot of members of these churches and they are amongst the happiest people i have met, people who are socially motivated to uplift the standard of living of others; there are many other points i can write but you must first move away from your anger if you are to see the situation for what it is; anger distorts

(4) the pap is not that bad a political party; i believe they had lost their sense of direction and priorities

(5) there is no such thing as a 'final solution' given that the world is evolving and singapore is an open economy

Thank you.

I have passed Angry's points around the office and without giving my view, asked for my co-workers' view on all the points. The general question come back had always been:

how much damage can we handle to have such changes?

I do not deny that some of his points raised are good solution, but the more I read into them, the more i realised how impractical ( not to mention alot of the ideas actually are already taking place and angry doesnt seem to know it) they could become to implement them in the short term and even in the long term, technology as well as mental psychological ability of singaporeans to accept these changes could actually create more long term damage then create the solution and conclusion we so desired.

Let me give an example

Under ecomony:
Become self-sufficient in our food supply. Support local organic farms in Lim Chu Kang. Buy land in foreign countries under a nationalized company and grow healthy food to support population.

when angry made thios suggestion, has he taken into calculation how much land and nresources were needed to be put in to make this possible? And to buy land from a foregin country to grow food? who would sell ypu that land? A nationalized company? Temasek is already such a company and people are already making noise of its activities, so you think this solution is practical?

Under Immigration/foreign labour
Monitor marriages of convenience and protect our gullible citizens. Foreigners who marry in only get a ‘provisional PR’, and abide by the c’ship time requirements above.

On one hand, angry wanted singapore to follow the full set of rules governing human rights, and yet he want to monitor the lives and now, married lives of singaporeans, which the idea itself is against basic human rights.

Does this not sound ironic to you?

All these "suggestion" sound so much like a communist state development. I find it hard to support even part of it.



Excellent piece and great effort. I agree with ~75% of the suggestions. For the rest, I agree with the majority in spirit, but not in implementation. But I think we're close enough and I'm sure other brothers will give their thoughts.

You do realize that even to push through a few of these ideas will involve electing a new party in place? The current one will just sit on them!


To Zeitgeist:

My point was to train officers that men regard as their proven superiors; not the system we have presently where background and whether you signed on plays a part to going OCS.

To Kakowi:

You're right about the severe dislocations on sg's economy, but i reckon it secures this island's well-being in the long run. As if there aren't dislocations now- there are plenty of people hoodwinked into studying for tourism, healthcare and biotech industries now holding completely different jobs. So with my economic plans, there should be only one major re-allocation before we're set for the long run. But this will take a while, not just 3-5 years.

To cleareyes:

My food supply plan is one of the 'fringe ideas', not a main idea. It was meant to solve the problem of depending on the outside world for our basic supplies and becoming vulnerable. Sure we have the money - if Temasick can lose billions in bad investments, it can spend money to buy land for this purpose, and sell the produce back in sg to recoup the losses.

On immigration: protection against marriages of convenience is not abusing the rights of foreigners. Anyone who tries to take advantage of a system should be prepared to deal with safeguards. The foreign spouse can still stay in sg (and this covers all foreign spouses from the PhD to the mail order bride). In the present system, sometimes the spouse is NOT allowed to even come in!


Super Moderator
To Kakowi:
You're right about the severe dislocations on sg's economy, but i reckon it secures this island's well-being in the long run. As if there aren't dislocations now- there are plenty of people hoodwinked into studying for tourism, healthcare and biotech industries now holding completely different jobs. So with my economic plans, there should be only one major re-allocation before we're set for the long run. But this will take a while, not just 3-5 years.


good to mention a whole generation of folks doing IT back in the early 90s and then facing immense competition from China and India in the early 2000s :eek:


Super Moderator
The main problem facing Singapore is a rapidly aging population with a low birth replacement rate.

Granting citizenships to PRCs is the only way to solve the problem.

If disagree, please give an alternative solution.

suddenly i remembered...

read this?


my humble 2 cents,

sustainability is the crux:

i. where population is concerned, the populace must find it favorable for them to reproduce.

ii. favorable conditions for the Citizens meant the following:
1. Citizens are treated as first class peoples, provided they behave like one.
2. Citizens are not being treated as serfs, as they already are.
3. Citizens are paid their dues, provided they deserve it.
4. Citizens being able to retire with grace, and not slogging past 65.
5. Citizens being able to have enough quality family time.
6. Citizens being empowered with true ownership and responsibility.

iii. where these 6 above points are concerned, there are other factors revolving around them, which includes:

1. Education
somehow our education system is churning out bulks of serfs, not bulks of thinking individuals. the continual success of the nation depends on bulks of thinking individuals, philosophers, and statesmen capable of motivating the Citizens to act and function as a whole. we don't have much natural produce and therefore the training of the mind is important. with a thinking nation, would you need foreign talents? yes, but to a minimal.

2. Employment
stop lumping the PR and Citizens together as a figure to show for employment rates. lower the taxes for foreign MNCs so they would be attracted to set up shops here. entice the MNCs to employ Citizens with higher tax rebates. i understand that we do not have natural resources and hence our economy would have to depend on trade, petroleum and some reverse engineering. technology is certainly something we can bank on, but that would require the brightest mind to fuel project and make something tangible out of it.

3. Housing & CPF
scrap that racial quota, stop dividing us by race, I only see a human race, and we're all Singaporeans. sky high prices for that pigeon hole, for a 99 year lease, that pigeon hole can't be handed down to the off-springs. it is just the same as paying upfront rentals for a rented place. for the large middle class, a large portion of the CPF is used for the housing loan, you think they even dare to retire? how are folks able to have enough disposable income for extra mouths in the household?

4. National Service
either scrap mandatory conscription, or pay them market rates. and cut that 2 years into just 1 year. that reservist thing is a pain in the arse too...

5. National Identity
the latest poll shown 3/4 of the adults planning of retirement elsewhere, very telling, isn't it? the racial segregation is a pain in the neck, we're all Singaporeans, and there is a growing need for the emergence of an anchor point. the influx of new immigrants should not be a problem as i see it, but not as a mean to bolster the figures of any community. honestly, this country lacks soul.

in essence, if you want the culture to continue to grow, add more medium or remove the competition. tackling these issues all at once will take tremendous effort, and it would probably take 1 or 2 generations to set all the pieces in place. as said earlier in post5, i still dream of the day where Singapore would be hailed as a heaven on earth and her Citizens would be synonymous with compassion, grace, and intellectual humility... and i need not take millions for this.

one burning question thou': does the Government plan to continue to develop her Citizens as serfs/economic digits for their coffers or as Citizens of this Republic?



Forget it. You had got it wrong.

Your so call 'solution', its like a beautiful menu, and sheets of recipes. But the truth is the oven, the kitchen is broken, is screwed.

The priority is not to go ga ga over beautiful menu and recipes. The priority is to be given to fixing the oven, fixing the kitchen. Then we can talk about how to make those wonderful food from the recipes.

Without the oven, the kitchen fixed, no yummy food from your wonderful recipes being made.
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Super Moderator
KNN .... by the time all these measures implemented, all citizens already died.

my dear bro,

changes takes time. like a child, this nation must grow and this nation will grow. our forefathers came and gone, we are here right now, the kids will grow too and so will their children. do you truly wish to see Singapore not succeeding in future? perhaps we may not even live to see it but i certainly and sincerely hope that our children or their children may see it.

we can only try our best to solve the problems of our time, hopefully set a direction for the children to follow. i really hope Singaporeans can be proud to call themselves Singaporeans because Singapore is synonymous with humility and compassion. the burning question remains. :o


Angry one,

you forgot one thing. CHange the behavior of sinkies. That will solve all problems you mentioned.

Once sinkie starts to wake up , PAP will no longer in power and they are unsinkified to vote the correct pple on top and policies will change as you wish.

All these problems that you stated are derived from the source of sinkie individual with their horrendous sinkie behavior and thinking.

I agree with you but I can tell you that it won't happen. There will always be sabo kings or stupid people who think that Adolf was right and that was the way to make the nation prosperous. And not forgetting the vain pride that comes with "world lumber one" thing.

Revolution is the ONLY way out. If I were Japan, I will NOT wait till N Korea has fully armed itself with nukes before I attack it. Cao Cao let Liu Bei the tiger escaped back to its mountain. It would then be harder to kill it next time.
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hmm... bro,
sabo kings are not as bad as sycophants, right?

I feel that some sycophants are merely putting up a show. You won't know how they vote, right ? Anyway, such cohesion is often weak. If you have got money, then you have got a friend. Pathetic, really pathetic.

Some are just blind ie. dog shit becomes chocolate mousse cake ?



the final solution and probably the only one:


what we are having now are too many overpaid and redundant YESMEN. it's ridiculous that there's always an unanimously AGREEING to certain policy, situation and opinion.

all these just isn't right and too perfect to be really true? wayang, kelong, ricked, devised.....YES. unanimous YES ...the paps must be kidding themselves!!