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moar sinkie aunties and uncles will be collecting card boxes soon



Among them was 67-year-old retiree Koh Ah Kiw, who lost about $40,000 after investing in Hyflux preference shares and perpetual securities to "get pocket money for retirement"

Madam L.L. Hong, 53, and her husband, Mr B.C. Ong, 55, said they bought Hyflux perpetual securities and preference shares because they thought Tuaspring was a "strategic national asset".

Instead, they have lost more than $200,000 of their retirement funds.

For Madam B. Chua, 62, the $6,000 loss from her investment in Hyflux perpetual securities was just "a forgone holiday".

But she said she understood the pain felt by many retirees at the Hong Lim protest yesterday. Her husband, who was not at the rally, had lost under $100,000 of his investment.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Many of these 'investors' are just speculators. And they follow blindly the advice of the Ah Neh research teams in our local banks. Never trust the Ah Nehs.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Quick, go and raid the Hyflux building at Bendemeer now. :devilish:



Alfrescian (Inf)
Many of these 'investors' are just speculators. And they follow blindly the advice of the Ah Neh research teams in our local banks. Never trust the Ah Nehs.

More likely trusting the gushing endorsements from the 'pro-business' PAP regime. :biggrin:



Alfrescian (Inf)
they never learned from history, women are not cut out to do big things, even Qing dynasty was brought down by a woman. I like to repeat the reason why they are there is because few good men let them be.:rolleyes:


If they had made money out of this investment...will they give a big thank you dinner treat to those concerned?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Not only because of Hyflux but more due to this statement "Singaporeans need to be open and understanding of foreigners".
It could be because I am a simpleton but I see it as more foreigners will be let in by PAP to steal your lunch


Not only because of Hyflux but more due to this statement "Singaporeans need to be open and understanding of foreigners".
It could be because I am a simpleton but I see it as more foreigners will be let in by PAP to steal your lunch
