SINGAPORE - Minister for Communications and Information S. Iswaran on Tuesday (May 5) sent a video message to migrant workers to assuage the concerns of those living in dormitories, who have been subjected to stringent measures and active testing amid
the coronavirus outbreak.
Speaking in Tamil, Mr Iswaran explained the need to test them and their co-workers for Covid-19 and said that the Government has "undertaken numerous efforts to enhance the quality of food and facilities" within their dormitories.
The video, with a second version dubbed in Bengali, was sent via WhatsApp to workers on Tuesday, the first day of the extended circuit breaker period
slated to end on June 1.
"If tested positive, we will provide (your friends) with the necessary medical care fully paid for by the Government. We will provide you with the necessary quality medical care as we do for Singaporeans. This is our promise," Mr Iswaran said.
As of Monday,
more than 5 per cent, or 16,393,of the 323,000 migrant workers living in dorms have tested positive for the virus, among whom many are Indian nationals.
This has caused public attention to focus on the conditions in the dorms and whether more could be done to help the workers.
Many workers remain quarantined in their rooms, while the stay-home notice period for work permit and S Pass holders in the construction sector has been
extended by another two weeks to May 18.
In the message, which also urged migrant workers to cooperate and do their part, Mr Iswaran said that he had approached four Indian stars to have them send their wishes and encouragement to the workers.
They include
actor Rajinikanth and cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, who both urged the workers to abide by the Singapore Government's rules.