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Men prefer to be alone as they get older. Do you agree?


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The biggest surprise I noticed as I became an older man: Women hate being alone when they get older, while me as an older man, I cant wait to have a moment of peace alone all by myself. I wanted to get married when I was young man, but I never did and I am glad I never put the ball and chain with another woman. As men, we got used to being alone. As for women, they get all the attention in their prime, and then they become a ghost when they hit the wall. Having it all and losing it all is what sucks for women. Its sucks being a single woman, but its great to be a single man.

This comment is from this video:



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She only remember the guy is an 18,000 yuan guy and dunno his name.. go check out at 5:03 of the video.

How cannot be women-free if like that.. wah lou...


Does women-free means sex-free ?
for me yes, for others i dunno.

Women-free refer to me as boycotting relationship and marriage. friends is still ok to me but i dun hang out with them as often as with my bros friends. but i prefer to spent time alone to enjoy my personal time and hobbies. i hangout less now.

In this time of post vaccination, u need to make mure that pussy is truly vax-free is damn troublesome to me so i dun want it, save me time and energy.
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Unlike women in the west, older women in China have very limited support from the government.

Unlike the west, Chinese businesses are not forced to employ older women so many companies choose the younger, prettier women for the kind of roles that most women want and are suitable for: sales, customer service, receptionists, tourism, hospitality and retail work. For example, many Asian airlines "retire" their female staff from flight and receptionist positions when they hit thirty and simply replace them with new recruits who are nineteen or twenty.

This is why Chinese women need the support structure of a husband to survive, unlike western women who can lean on government support and institutionalised scams to forcefully take a man's assets and income.

In China their ability to scam men out of their lifelong savings, investments and future income is very limited. Older single women are likely to die simply because they can't afford the medical care if they get sick.

Their parents try to help but once the parents are too old, even that support disappears. In short, women without husbands in China are in deep trouble as they age.

Their loneliness is the least of their problems.

The underlying reason is to survive, not because love is in the air. Please wake up to this reality.



for me yes, for others i dunno.

Women-free refer to me as boycotting relationship and marriage. friends is still ok to me but i dun hang out with them as often as with my bros friends. but i prefer to spent time alone to enjoy my personal time and hobbies. i hangout less now.

In this time of post vaccination, u need to make sure that pussy is truly vax-free is damn troublesome to me so i dun dun want it, save me time and energy.

You know what, its better for you to just become a monk.

Robert Half

I knew a few graduate single ladies working for large companies in cities like Beijing & Shanghai

They are at early 30s with good jobs & need not depend on men financially :smile:

syed putra

for me yes, for others i dunno.

Women-free refer to me as boycotting relationship and marriage. friends is still ok to me but i dun hang out with them as often as with my bros friends. but i prefer to spent time alone to enjoy my personal time and hobbies. i hangout less now.

In this time of post vaccination, u need to make sure that pussy is truly vax-free is damn troublesome to me so i dun dun want it, save me time and energy.
No wonder you are anti injection.
Immerse yourself in some exciting projects that will keep your mind busy. I have written off some schoolmates which are considered annoying. And kept those like minded ones


Alfrescian (Inf)
No wonder you are anti injection.
Immerse yourself in some exciting projects that will keep your mind busy. I have written off some schoolmates which are considered annoying. And kept those like minded ones

Also a good idea to spend some quality time with the vaxxed friends... they might not be around for long. :cool:

Talk a bit, take some photos together etc. :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Depends on what type of men who prefer to be alone. Some retarded low SES uncles were infected by XMM's love bite and ended up losing their CPF and being kicked out of the house by XMM who became new landlord. Any Samster uncle falls under this category?


Alfrescian (Inf)
old + poor..................unwanted men like myself...............only need..................free online porn + Fleshlight ................. :biggrin: :laugh: