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Lui: Rent Cab Better Than Owning Car!


Alfrescian (Inf)
[h=2]NEWS: Taxis could become harder to flag down[/h]
Taxis could become harder to flag down

More may obtain a taxi licence to rent cabs for personal use instead of plying the roads

Jun 02, 2012

SINGAPORE - At a time when sky-high Certificate of Entitlement (COE) premiums are dissuading Singaporeans from owning car, they could, ironically, find it more difficult to get taxis.

Previously, tales of taxi drivers who worked only a few hours a day, earning just enough to cover rental and overheads, and use their vehicles mostly for personal needs, were not uncommon.

But these days, more people could possibly be getting taxi licences for the wrong reasons - as suggested by Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew in a press interview published yesterday.

Noting how, with the exception of those owned by ComfortDelGro, taxis are hired out mostly to cabbies who drive a single shift per day, Mr Lui said the authorities "need to be even more vigilant about this ... because now driving a taxi can, with high COE prices, become a substitute for owning a car".

Taxi rentals here range between S$64 and S$116. And unlike car owners, taxi drivers do not need to pay for servicing, insurance or road tax.

Cabbie Eugene Kwok, 45, said he would not be surprised if high COE prices prompted more people to hire a taxi instead of buying a car.

Another cabbie, Mr Ismail, 47, told TODAY he has heard of fellow taxi drivers who only drive "part time" to recover costs - high COEs or not.

As a result, commuters suffer: To maximise their earnings in the shortest period of time, these taxi drivers would only pick up passengers at places with surcharges such as the airport or the integrated resorts, or customers on short trips within the Central Business District during peak hours, Mr Ismail said.

He added: "It is the freedom of being able to plan our own schedules that appeals most to cabbies."

Availability of taxis to be improved

Following constant public feedback about the difficulties in getting a cab, a tripartite workgroup - comprising the Land Transport Authority, the National Taxi Association (NTA) and the taxi operators - has been formed to improve availability of taxis on the roads, NTA adviser Seng Han Thong told reporters yesterday.

It is looking into ways to incentivise more drivers to utilise their taxis fully, said Mr Seng, who was speaking at the sidelines of an event to launch a book about cabbies' experiences.

According to Mr Seng, about 40 per cent of the 27,000 taxis here are "one-man operations". Mr Seng would not be drawn on the possibility of the high COEs leading to more taxi drivers using their vehicles as personal transport. "As far as I know, they are earning a living," Mr Seng said.

Still, there is feedback from taxi drivers that it is difficult to find suitable relief drivers, in order to utilise the taxis for two shifts a day. To address this, a nationwide data sharing system will be set up to better match drivers, Mr Seng said. The workgroup is working on the technical details, said Mr Seng, who did not say when the system will be ready.

When contacted, ComfortDelGro spokesperson Tammy Tan said: "We do, of course, encourage our drivers to utilise the vehicle to its maximum potential".

She reiterated that it is the drivers' prerogative how to utilise their vehicles, "especially since they may well end up out of pocket if they choose not to ply the road for fares for a large part of the day". About 80 per cent of ComfortDelGro's 16,000-strong fleet of taxis operate on double shifts, Ms Tan said.

SMRT Taxis director Tony Heng said that his company - which owns about 3,200 taxis - consider its cabbies "to be self-employed". "Thus, it is in their best interest to put their taxis to optimum economic use," he said.

Mountbatten Member of Parliament Lim Biow Chuan - who sits on the Government Parliamentary Committee (GPC) for transport - felt the issue is a grey area: If a taxi driver needs to, for example, drive his wife somewhere, it is "only logical" that he uses his vehicle to do so, he noted.

Mr Lim suggested that taxi operators track the usage of taxis based on the mileage or the fares collected. "The taxi companies could charge the drivers based on the desired mileage. If the taxi is used more, they could be charged a lower rental," said Mr Lim.​


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sinkie just keep complaining. Taxi rental high now complaint taxi for personal use. If dont like it the consumer also can rent taxi fro personal use.
Let the market decide no need every thing gov to step in and regulate.
Taxi driver also human nothing wrong use for family outing. I do see who taxi family is go shopping/park to eat nothing wrong. If they not driving parking also money.
That why I always support gov to increase road tax and parking rate 3 time to prevent under utilize vehicle.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
I know of people buying vans and commercial vehicles to use as 'kar ta' because of high car prices but never heard of using cabs for personal use.
Cabs are no substitute for car ownership.
Sinkies buy cars as status symbols....where is the snob factor in owning a cab?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I know of people buying vans and commercial vehicles to use as 'kar ta' because of high car prices but never heard of using cabs for personal use.
Cabs are no substitute for car ownership.
Sinkies buy cars as status symbols....where is the snob factor in owning a cab?

Bro, I have 3 friends who rent cabs for personal use. They have their reasons for doing so. Very strange people exist all over. These 3 are all 'chiak pah' category. They don't need to drive a cab to chari makan. They use their taxi for personal use 50% of the time - collect money from punters for being small time soccer/4D runners etc. Send kids to school. Send parents do groceries etc. Many reasons.

2 of the 3 use their 'profession' to ECA outside. Best excuse to wife. One kena jialak coz bo discipline. His wife called his handphone many many times but my friend song-song after screwing in 81 he fell asleep. When he arrived home the same morning, kena exposed and had to PG. No longer driving cab now. Became a hawker.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Bro, I have 3 friends who rent cabs for personal use. They have their reasons for doing so. Very strange people exist all over. These 3 are all 'chiak pah' category. They don't need to drive a cab to chari makan. They use their taxi for personal use 50% of the time - collect money from punters for being small time soccer/4D runners etc. Send kids to school. Send parents do groceries etc. Many reasons.

2 of the 3 use their 'profession' to ECA outside. Best excuse to wife. One kena jialak coz bo discipline. His wife called his handphone many many times but my friend song-song after screwing in 81 he fell asleep. When he arrived home the same morning, kena exposed and had to PG. No longer driving cab now. Became a hawker.
Oh, that's a piece very insider's news..; i do have a friend too,who pLies his cab around with his PRC meimei in tow,
as his vehicLe commander.He wouLd stiLL pick up passengers though..

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Indeed fact stranger than fiction.
Cab rental is 100 plus per day?
3k plus per month can long term lease a good car liao also maintenance free with insurance.

Bro, I have 3 friends who rent cabs for personal use. They have their reasons for doing so. Very strange people exist all over. These 3 are all 'chiak pah' category. They don't need to drive a cab to chari makan. They use their taxi for personal use 50% of the time - collect money from punters for being small time soccer/4D runners etc. Send kids to school. Send parents do groceries etc. Many reasons.

2 of the 3 use their 'profession' to ECA outside. Best excuse to wife. One kena jialak coz bo discipline. His wife called his handphone many many times but my friend song-song after screwing in 81 he fell asleep. When he arrived home the same morning, kena exposed and had to PG. No longer driving cab now. Became a hawker.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Oh, that's a piece very insider's news..; i do have a friend too,who pLies his cab around with his PRC meimei in tow,
as his vehicLe commander.He wouLd stiLL pick up passengers though..

Pick up passengers with prc mm as front seat passenger?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Pick up passengers with prc mm as front seat passenger?
Yup.He is picky, as Like avoiding famiLy of 4's ; usuaLLy he wouLd ask the wouLd-be customers where are they
heading to 1st..
Made his $ in PNG years earLIer, so it's Like sLowing down abit in Life; but stiLL being active by driving a cab..

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Yup.He is picky, as Like avoiding famiLy of 4's ; usuaLLy he wouLd ask the wouLd-be customers where are they
heading to 1st..
Made his $ in PNG years earLIer, so it's Like sLowing down abit in Life; but stiLL being active by driving a cab..
I once had a cab driver friend who drove to my place to pass me something....with passenger in tow. I already find that in bad form....imagine passengers flagging down a cab with a front seat passenger.

Now I know why I can see cabs parked in condos and driveway of private property.
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The SIMPLE solution is to allow private cabs, ie., private cars can apply for licence to be used as cabs and can only do call basis business.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The SIMPLE solution is to allow private cabs, ie., private cars can apply for licence to be used as cabs and can only do call basis business.

Back to the heydays of the 60's ? ..that was when 'pah-hong-chia's was thriving on the streets ..:smile: