Loyal Sinkie Creates Unique Ah Gong Portrait! Wankers' Party Jealous Like Crazy!
A dedicated young local artists has created a portrait of Lee Kuan Yew by writing his name over 18,000 times.
Uploading his work of art to Instagram, Ong Yi Teck, showcased his A2 portrait of Mr Lee Kuan Yew and also shared videos of how he went about drawing it.
Mr Ong, 20, shared on his instagram updates during the progress of his artwork and sharing photos of his work in progress.
My dad asked me:" how many times do you think you wrote the word, 'Lee Kuan Yew' so far?" Well, lets do some math:
I took approximately 3 secs for one word, which means on average, i would have wrote 20 words per minute. Take that, multiply it by 60 for an hour and multiply it by 5 for 5 hours... I wrote 6000 times (or probably more) just for today... Ive spent probably twice the amount of time in total. ... Give me the strength this complete this one
When he completed it, he estimated that he had written Mr Lee Kuan Yew's name over 18,000 times.
He also thanked his followers for their support and encouragement as he shared a video of the completed work:
I would like to thank everyone of you who have liked and shared my work. It feels great to be receiving so many encouraging and kind words from you guys, especially when you spent hours into it... Efforts paid off indeed. Well, let us pray that Mr Lee will fine

here's the video of the close ups.
Will be posting the giant grid soon for this giant artwork... Will be epic I hope
Undoubtedly the tiring work was painstaking but Mr Ong pushed on and he even compared the persistance to Mr Lee's nation building:
"No short cut in art; and clearly none in building a nation. It takes a great deal of dedication and perserverence."
What do you think of this artwork?
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