Yeah, I actually attended the launch of their showhouse back in 2008 , organized with a ppty agent in SG. Was impressive and make you want to buy. They even organized a tour of Puteri harbour and I was asking myself who on earth would want to travel that distant inward to the harbour to invest but in just 3 years many things have change and I am glad they are doing alright so far for Nusajaya. Back to developer, his smallest plot was like 9000 sqft and the largest is somewhere around 36,000 sqft but at that time my understanding was that you have to build within two years....kind of turn you off but I guess they don't , the place will soon be like LF in the past . Everyone bought the land but wait for neighbour to build first, in the end nobody build and remain vacant for a long long time. I am surprised if they managed to sell off all plots, my guess is not everyone build within two years , otherwise there should be many nice bungalows there now but I also heard to get around the two years must start building condition; you simply build a fence or wall around your land, they tell you must start but never tell you must completed by when ...Anyone here from Ledang Height ?
Wow since 2008 ah? I only got to know about Nusajaya last year and immediately commited my investments here as I'm a Big Bull on this

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