Finally done with my 2-week ICT, now back to the serious business! Hope my live firing didn't distirb you guys out there! Think I could see Nusajaya from the hilltop I was firing from, but I can't be absolutely sure.
Have been following this thread with great interest, and received advice from many posters here, special thanks to Sanur.
In my case, I am looking to relocate with a view to a more relaxed and comfortable lifestyle, with an element of investment involved (isn't there always one where property is concerened? Even if it's strictly for 'own stay'!), although for this initial property, my investment horizon is exceptionally long, and I'll see how it goes after this one before deciding on the next step in terms of property investment.
Like many others here, I wish for my child to grow up in an environment where he is free to run around and explore something beyond the constant confines of 4 walls, somewhat like my own when my siblings and cousins and I were free to run or cycle around, disappear and simply be back home in time for meals etc.
I don't know if you all remember the recent tragic case of the Indonesian boy who fell into a drain along Balestier during a heavy downpour and got swept away and drowned? I grew up within 50m of that drain, it was the very same drain my childhood companions and I used to play in and catch 'drain fish'. The development of Singapore since then has made such activities either outright impossible or dangerous, and I really do think that a childhood is better spent in an environment other than this if possible.
Hence, my sudden urgency to move. Will I be buying a property in JB at an inflated price? Quite likely. Are property prices there immune to sharp decline in Chinese property prices? Massive banking collapse in Europe, then the world? Absolutely not. But I do know that I will be selling my ageing leasehold HDB flat in Singapore for a ridiculously unjustifiable price that it makes perfect sense for me to move now. And I really do think that the Iskandar project will develop nicely in the long run, although I doubt they will be successful in every area of targeted development. But it does not appear like a project that gets abandoned once corruption has skimmed enough off, or enough gullible people have been scammed. I visited Port Dickson once with my wife, and I cannot imagine anyone who has ever visited the place could possibly consider buying a 'luxury' investment property there. But that was several years back, maybe PD has become the leisure yachting hub for the regional rich and famous they claimed they would be!
I do still have some queries for which answers are much appreciated.
1) I am looking to move under the MM2H scheme, wonder if any other posters here have. I do have some questions regarding that.
Currently I am looking to get property in HH, although it would be unwise not consider other options. Mostly I've only been reading up on, and hearing about HH only so my knowledge on other options is fairly limited.
2) Bukit Indah
By SpSetia. Is Bt Indah considered to be within Nusajaya itself? It's property prices seem substantially lower than similar HH ones, wondering what the reasons are, and whether Bt Indah should be worthy of consideration.
3) Nusa Idaman
My understanding is that Nusa Idaman is part of UEM Nusajaya Residences project, yet I cannot seem to find any information whatsoever on properties there, or anything for sale. Is there really such a place?
4) Leisure Farm
There also seems to be very little discussion on this Mulpha project. I cannot find any completed properties there for sale at all, and I'm not at all sure why.
5) I am looking to move asap, so I will be looking only at completed resale properties. Are foreigners allowed to purchase these? Or does Malaysia have rules like Australia that exclude foreigners from the resale segment?
And many more questions to follow.

The more one knows, the more questions one will have.
Thank you!