With this, let me publicly apologize to you. Hope you realise that I am just messing around with my karmabear persona. All my posts on Sammy is very irrelevant but have some truisms. I am concerned for the fellow moving back to SG because I felt that he gave up too fast and more importantly, it is not a guarantee that there will be no crime. But is guaranteed is cost of living is higher. To me, does not make sense. Of course, he is welcome to his decision and I empathize about the wife. This sounds a bit MCP but generally, men worry about cost of living, future earnings, job security etc. Ok peace out. I am going to whack PAP dogs in the politics section. Take care all.
the same pinoy look up to Ang Moh you know....
Even broke ang moh they still consider superior. As long as ang moh can already.
I agree with Ginfreelys signature and yes Wuqi i agree with you too.
I am surprised why no police report has been made yet? Why no action taken yet?
Low pay or whatever ($400 a month is what they earn + annual increment of maybe $50 max.... So yes its low pay... But they get free food + accom
And moreover they agreed to work for that pay. No one placed a gun to their head and asked them to come and work here.
Stern action must be taken.
The day we can see reports like these is the day they are really serious about accountability, else, everything is hogwash and a smokescreen.
Singapore, i still want to believe in you, not just because of what the people have sacrificed in the past for you but for the sake of the many people who still believe in you, now and in the future.
Yeah lor, don't know why the ministers paid so highly cannot understand how to tackle simple problem like this.
Bro abugumgum, no problem. If it helps, i can help you find a place with absolutely no strings attached. I am good for it.
In fact, you should give it one more go at different places. If you have a place to park your car, then you won't be needing to sell your car so urgently. Whether you sell now or 3-4 months later, you will likely get back the same amount of money.
Give it another chance man, it is your life though, whichever you do, i respect your decision.
I nearly got mugged on the very first day i arrived in US, being so new to the place, thinking back my SLR camera nearly cost me my life.
In the end i did not give up,
Stats tends to always side with people who persists - Original quote.![]()
Hi there. I posted an earlier message enquiring abt Casa Almyra but you may have missed it. You mentioned your neighbors curse abt that project. Care to elaborate what the issues are? Thanks in advance.
Your thread has been most informative. Your pm is always full. You can pm me too.
Probably we should either got to the HH or EL clubhouse and get a small room with food and drinks.
Dear all,
It is not my aim to affect or discourage people from living in johor. You can read it just as "another" story in the newspaper.
However, do step up security measures immediately ( as Mallow has kindly shared). Do not wait or hesitate (if you are still considering for whatever reasons).
Sure, it is not 100% foolproof, however, the deterrence will be helpful as well as slow down the burglars if they come, giving more time to react. We have to protect ourselves.
Yes Mallow, we are thankful not to bump into the burglars (we were in the estate and away for 1 hour from the unit).
I have to take care for my family's well being and interest, not everyone is built with same threshold, hence the first and foremost thing to do is to pacify her and reassure her safety.
It is certainly not because I did not expect crime, not because we did not have taken security steps, nor it is because this is not Ang Moh Country (so that we cannot accept).
We have just become part of the statistics that's all. Our break-in is just one day after the Permas Jaya case, with similar operations. Just tough luck to happen so early in our stay here (we are settling in and very happy)
Maybe we will be back again in Johor one day.
I can't understand the pension part. All the civil servants pensions have been replaced by the cpf scheme except for the ministers.
That's a clear double standard. It should be scrapped altogether. With such high pay as minister/MP, why do they need pension ? But it is unlikely for any MP to bring up , not even opposition MP because they also a get pension if meet requirement.
I can't understand the pension part. All the civil servants pensions have been replaced by the cpf scheme except for the ministers. Why do we need to pay them so much and continue to pay them after they retired? Like this our government overheads will get too heavy for our tax systems to cope. No wonder our gst and the coes needs to increase and increase....
Yeah lor they grant themselves exception, not just that, their pension start at age 55 some more ...
Yeah lor they grant themselves exception, not just that, their pension start at age 55 some more ...
Took this route from office in Senai to Desaru on Friday evening. Nice drive and roads. Surprised to see so many SG plate at all the Desaru resorts. Had a good seafood dinner at Sungai Rengit after.
However do note that there is toll. It is only toll free from PG to Desaru, not Senai to Desaru.
Best brand of GPS for Malaysia travelling ? any one ?
i'm keen on the idea too. =) the rest of the folks who contribute here - would you also want that? Turn it to reality. It'll be nice and i think extremely enriching if not educational to trade 'war stories' haha.