Wow. . . i had warned everyone
bo bian lah... today die die have to go in...
bro... next time your warning must put BIG BIG on your signature... else miss the post only thats it! :-)
Wow. . . i had warned everyone
Which is what I suspect led some of us here to draw the explanatory race card which in turn drew ire from forumers like batok seri (if i remember correctly). If I may play the same card again, I say bring in the Chinese and their capitalist communism! They are just as corrupted in the governance as we've seen in the past but when they put their mind into it, they at least brought us the 2008 summer Olympics...
bo bian lah... today die die have to go in...
bro... next time your warning must put BIG BIG on your signature... else miss the post only thats it! :-)
Went to the LC AGM today for HH, maybe my haircut didn't help. First thing when i met up with folks there going in for the event, their questions:
1. Where is your father?
2. Are you representing him?
3. Are you really a member?
Funny, suffered so many years and then working 2-3 jobs and finally doing ok. The moment you are doing ok, people give you problems. They ignore you or say behind your back, that guy is here because of his family. Its impossible for someone so young to be here.
was at LF today bringing my friends to check out my new place as well as development. Whilst trying to find ways to pass the time waiting for my friends, I chatted up this interesting neighbor. He is PRC chinese working in SG bought a place in LF. Not discriminating or anything, but I think this is the next frontier who'd drive up demand for JB housing. The FTs in SG looking for alternatives in JB. So Sgporeans who come in late in the 'game' will lose out to FTs in SG and JB! Talk about totally screwed...
Anyway more interestingly he was describing frequent visitors like a family of squirrels and skunks and even wild pigs etc in his orchard besides the iguana etc it sounded like a little zoo! I think this is what JB living is all about, us getting in tune with nature be it her animals or plants. Urrgh I really can't wait to shift in to LF. Though as per customary practice no shifting till after ghost festival. I don't care really but mum was adamant.
sigh have to gripe here. i wonder what is the MY immigrations thinking, reflecting on the chaos of this week past. the biometric thing is a total failure (who does 2 INDEX fingers anyway?!!). instead of working towards closer ties and traffic communication MY is alienating the link every opportunity they get. Its like fruits being served on a platter and they prefer to flop it over and pick up the scraps on the floor.
Look at China/HK, EU, USA/Canada...
And I wonder when will Johor as a state be ready to pull up its socks and up the ante. It knows it has the Iskandar project, its a crucial one opportunity to show the rest of MY, indeed SG and the world what Johor can be. And it really is going to rely on SG being one of the biggest supporter both in monetary as well as the masses in technical expertise as well as consumption. Yet it makes no real effort to enhance the traffic communication infighting over the smallest detail like building a crooked or straight bridge. Just build the damn thing already!
Which is what I suspect led some of us here to draw the explanatory race card which in turn drew ire from forumers like batok seri (if i remember correctly). If I may play the same card again, I say bring in the Chinese and their capitalist communism! They are just as corrupted in the governance as we've seen in the past but when they put their mind into it, they at least brought us the 2008 summer Olympics...
Hi Bro Wuqi,
LC is Local Council? Just wondering if it works like in Singapore private properties residents management committee where they get to decide how to allocate the management fee?
I have a quick story to share on the second matter. One day I was at the office lobby and happens my Australian staff (55 yrs old) arrived in a taxi . The cleaner lady said "ni de lao ban lai le". I said I was the guy's lao ban. She just laughed as though I was joking. Thing is because he looks older (fact is I am and do look much younger) and I am not ang moh, certain people have the auto assumption that the ang moh must be the boss. Sad. Those who make assumptions on appearance are those we have to take pity on...
kids cannot take it lah... :-(
Actually I left house at 7:15 and reach Woodlands about 7:30.... already stuck in a jam near to TECH on BKE... then wife tell me forget her mum's re-entry permit...
Drive all the way home, then reach Tuas at about 8.... went across the bridge and (#(*$__#*% jam starts
passed immigration about 12:45... reached Bukit Indah about 1pm...
wah laoz... I could have reached Cameron Highlands liao leh!
Bro. good living like this how to lose weightBut keep up the good work.... You're food reviews very much appreciated
Went to the LC AGM today for HH, maybe my haircut didn't help. First thing when i met up with folks there going in for the event, their questions:
1. Where is your father?
2. Are you representing him?
3. Are you really a member?
Sorry for this rant, need to get it out of my system, after this i am fine as i try not to let people like that bother me.![]()
And the worst is when the newbies repeatedly ask the same questions.
There is so much info here. One must patiently read it not ask the same questions over n over again.
Wuqi i admire ur patience in replying their questions in detail.
I know i have run afoul myself on this score a couple of times
damn, still happen ? was unsure whether to go to my wkend hse, but to get stuck for more than 2 hrs is just too much for me. when is this going to be over ?
that is my slumber time,mid-night owl not for me , am hoping jam is just school holiday event like the past but now worsen by e new tech biometric. already missed my pl for two wkends . sigh.
This weekend is expected to be as bad especially from Singapore to Malaysia because of Malaysia school holidays ending Sunday.
Thought I will be smart . Reached Tuas Checkpoint at 520am and was shocked by the jam there. But being Singapore, it cleared pretty fast but the build up so early was scary.... it translated to JB side taking a while to clear at the time of the morning. Yes double finger printing was happening. It is really futile effort. Better to spend the money and resources to monitor the coast for illegal migrants or boosting the Iskandar police force...
(The Chinese are a diff story for another forum. By the way did you see the news that the Chinese people are now the no.1 foreign purchasers of Singapore properties, displacing the Malaysians and Indonesians for the first time! I wonder if they will one day be the biggest FT pool in Singapore < hope not. ang mohs easier to bs as they are so naive![]()
Listen to mum its worthwhile.
1. U listen to her she happy
2. U believe or not in ghost festival still. . . A good idea to listen to mum