Good idea, not sure if everyone would agree though but its definitely something to suggest to them. I am having some problems with dogs actually, some guys would go near our place and let their dog do their business and when we saw them, they will even use their shoes to push the poo into the ground and walk off with their heads in the air. There are some good ones who would clean up or get their maids to do it. I would never dare to look down on anyone except people who let their dogs or pets poo everywhere.
Still remembered one time, in Yishun, many years ago. One evening, everyone was having dinner. This lady's dog pooed in the midst of the corridor at the coffeeshops. There were 2-3 coffeeshops then so it was in the centre of the walking area so it immediately made the whole place very......unwelcoming. She just proudly walked off as if it was a badge of honour. Some uncles and aunties told her off, my dad told me not to bother as people would think i am bullying her. From her voice, it turned out she is our governments favourite FT so she just shouted very loudly, smirked and walked away briskly with the pet in tow.
There are also those who thinks their dogs are Benji/Lassie and would let their beloved pets run off into the sunset.......and into other peoples homes if they haven't closed the gates yet and scaring people. Some even let their dogs howl all night, one of my neighbours even asked me to write in and they want to do a petition on the dogs but one of my friends have gone over and spoken to one of the owners so hopefully things will be better soon.
Probably need to take further action if things continue. No one will have any issues if you keep you dog leashed or sent to a school. People will have issues if your pet howls all night or regularly do its business at other peoples doorsteps.
I don't care what house you live in or how much zeros you have as to me at least, class is not only the house you live in but the behaviour one displays.