Okay, with sales-related commission, I have no doubts about S$3.5k. I was just trying to dig out bit by bit from you why an office clerk can earn so much. Good to be clearer in your information, as too many gaps leave people with a lot of doubts about your credibility.
Hi everyone,
Did anyone install Solar Water Heater?
Any good brand and seller's name or contact to recommend?
Thank you very much.
I think the whole setup will cost easily 6K to 8K , how to justify cost saving ?
Maybe engineers should R&D solar pannel to run aircon instead , can save 30% of electricity also can justify.
isn't it better to use that 6-8K to throw in other electrical appliances such as washing machine, tv, fridge...etc to attract tenant, instead of just 1 solar heater?I'm installing this as one of those extras to attract my future tenants
In EL, a fully furnished semi-d is being rented out at RM15k, I'm targeting RM12k as mine will not be fully furnished(average should be around RM10k). At such price, can't give tenants a bare and basic unit![]()
Unless the tax is going to be extremely high, otherwise i am not too concerned given that it is a yearly thing. Someone just bought 8 units in a place i will refer to as CG yesterday and though we not involved with their project, my guys patiently waited for them until the staff finally finished the sales forms, etc as they basically messed up the process, got names wrong, etc.
One tactic by the agents i must highlight here, they brought China buyers to Masai/Plentong and ulu places including a place called "mattress in rural area", then they told the buyers that they have seen all of Johore and then they bring them to CG.
Some of the sales staff were also a bit uppity and proudly said to those who went in, you are all here to buy property, otherwise why are you here, so hurry up and buy. There are no better properties in all of Johore! When my team shared this with me, i just smiled.
I probably need to build a dedicated team to be stationed at the developers but main problem i can't pull myself out from work.
Upcoming projects:Shoplots in Zone A
Shoplots and landed in Zone B
Condos in Zone A, B and another zone not at liberty to share for now
Landed in Zone B
Other types of property
isn't it better to use that 6-8K to throw in other electrical appliances such as washing machine, tv, fridge...etc to attract tenant, instead of just 1 solar heater?
I think the whole setup will cost easily 6K to 8K , how to justify cost saving ?
Maybe engineers should R&D solar pannel to run aircon instead , can save 30% of electricity also can justify.
Hehe what makes you so sure that I'm not buying those items?
I've mentioned that the solar heater is 'one of those extras'.
you said it is not fully furnished mah. take that extra cash to make it fully furnished loh.
Pls visit other zone except B n talk to the developer's sales staff n ask them about the buyers n y hv better understanding. Middle income M'sian do not like Zone B for own stay generally.:p
It is not like they do not like, it is totally out of their budget.,,
I'm installing this as one of those extras to attract my future tenants
In EL, a fully furnished semi-d is being rented out at RM15k, I'm targeting RM12k as mine will not be fully furnished(average should be around RM10k). At such price, can't give tenants a bare and basic unit![]()
In Sinkie land best is be a millionair hawker , 7K taxis drivers , 8K crane operator , 6K gambler ! Don"t get degree to get yourself become unemployable !
Wow can rent out EL fully furnished semi-d at Rm15k...maybe can rent out my Nusa duta fully furnished cluster at Rm5k next time haha...
I think the whole setup will cost easily 6K to 8K , how to justify cost saving ?
Maybe engineers should R&D solar pannel to run aircon instead , can save 30% of electricity also can justify.
A little thing that many may not know. I remembered reading something about solar panels which stopped me dead in the tracks installing them. Can't justify it.
Those photovoltaic cells in the solar panel do de-generate and lose their solar abilities. They need to be replaced every 10 years according to manufacturers of those panels. And from forums elsewhere, there are comments that you will see a dramatic loss of efficiency by the 6th year.
You will need to factor in these costs if one is serious about solar.
Am wondering if anyone here lives in or knows about Danga View condo. Its off the 'radar' I guess as prices are below 500K except for large units. My Malaysian friend who's moving to JB is asking me if its well maintained, she's looking to rent or even buy. Location suits her as she wants to be relatively near to both sides.
Panels can last >10 years. The inverters and batteries cannot.