Morning Sis Gin, being a country that accepted migrants to it Shores, Singapore has been a country that in the past most people from around the region aspired to and got into not only for the economic future but also the manner in which people saw as good and civil society. Unfortunately, this also attracted the 'undesirables' who when asked are always quick to quip ' I'm a Singaporean' but when circumstances develop and they find that it is not to their advantage, the actual nationality is then revealed, thinking it will either gain some kind of advantage or sympathetic response.
I have actually met 'The Good, The Bad and literally The Ugly Singaporean'

. But then in my travels, even to the "Civilised countries" I had my encounters with these trio of human traits. Thankfully I meet/met more of "The Good" and though, maybe physically "The Ugly" who surprisingly are more Good then Ugly".
I agree with you that Singaporeans are sometimes taken for granted. More the mistaken identification of an individual who though has the physical appearance of being better attired, therefore a "Singaporean". But in saying this NOT All SPR, behave so badly, it's the individual irrespective of nationality, who lacks the social graces BUT aspires to be identified with a Nationality that is perceived to be of a more progressive nation.
So therein lies the crux of the reason why Singaporeans in general get hammered whenever there is a problem.