Foreigner living in JB. When I look around the globe it is hard for me to think of a country with a government doing a better job than Singapore's the last 30 years. And I like to learn more about what they can do better and where people see problems.
Health care nearly everywhere people are unsatisfied. The measures that make sense are 1) outcome measures of health - life expectancy, time to get treatment... 2) costs 3) how unhappy people are with it. USA seems to be at about the bottom of the list for rich countries. Europe has lots of problems but health care might be where they are pretty good (comparatively). People are generally happier with health care as the country is becoming richer (people are happy for more good health care) then as they become used to being rich they get tired of long waits, think things could be beter and cheaper... It does seem to me health care is an area Singapore is less good at than many other areas - as I see it from outside.
Someone mentioned "safety" and security: basically it seemed to be about being able to retire. This seems like a reasonable thing to want. I am not sure what policies though, people want. Require more government payments to retirees? That means more taxes (which is fine, just people have to remember things are not free). I can also see it related to the cost of health care. And rising costs in general. And perhaps in wages not being high enough to save more (with the belief wages would be higher if fewer others were let into Singapore)? This also is a huge issue in most rich countries today. USA and Europe are probably in much worse shape than most of Asia in this regard (partially due to social interests with closer inter-generational ties in Asia). And in Japan those in retirement and near retirement actually saved reasonable amounts of money (unlike the majority in the USA and Europe). I don't know about Korea, Singapore or Australia as far as how well people have saved for retirement. I am pretty confident Singapore is today (say for people who are 30 and 40) is much better off than the USA. I know China has a big issue with this now (as the vast majority of those in retirement or close never had high earnings to allow savings). If their relatives didn't help it would be a huge problem.
I just find it interesting to see what changes people would like to see.
I wonder are there other countries governments that people in Singapore wish Singapore's government would copy? What other governments and what policies do you think?
So are you working in SG or JB or where? And which country are you from since you mentioned health and retirement issues in so many countries?
How about job security? Do you think SG govt has done well in ths respect? How does it compare to your country of origin? Did you enjoy job protection from govt policies in your home country or are foreigners allowed freely to take away jobs in your country?
Anyway, to answer your question, some policies that SG government can and should copy from countries like Australia are:
a) strict policy to ensure companies have tried all ways before hiring foreigners. Not just some quota that is easily manipulated.
b) annual wage increment to follow annual CPI increase
c) CPF funds can choose other fund manager or even self managed like Australia superannuation fund, instead of compulsory managed by CPF giving 2.5% return
d) return the CPF lumpsum at age 55 and not delayed to 65 and only payout few hundred, this is people's own money
e) learn from Malaysia or any countries where public housing means for citizens only, not any PR can buy and take advantage to rent out while they retire in their home country
f) learn from China where car COE is based on ballot and free, not something to generate revenue for themselves
g) learn from China, Australia or etc that pays senior citizens a few hundred so that elderly no need to work as cleaners to earn the few hundred and be bullied for being slow
This is what i can think of offhand, perhaps other learned bros/sis can contribute more to educate you.