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List of climate predictions that turned out to be wrong.


Fact of the matter is Climate Change is real but whether this change is significantly caused by man alone is highly debatable and not conclusive.

The climate has always been changing for at least 1 million years.

The climate has gone through cycles of Ice Age and Warm Periods throughout these periods. Even God can't change these facts.

If the weather decides to go through another period of Ice Age or Warm Period again, on what grounds and audacity does these climate-change advocates farkers think that mankind is able to reverse the trend and goes against nature?

If now the whole global climate plunges into Ice Age, does that mean that we have to release more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to reverse the change?

All these PCB environmentalist hypocrites and politicians should be arrested and jailed for deceiving the world.


Fact of the matter is Climate Change is real but whether this change is significantly caused by man alone is highly debatable and not conclusive.

The climate has always been changing for at least 1 million years.

The climate has gone through cycles of Ice Age and Warm Periods throughout these periods. Even God can't change these facts.

If the weather decides to go through another period of Ice Age or Warm Period again, on what grounds and audacity does these climate-change advocates farkers think that mankind is able to reverse the trend and goes against nature?

If now the whole global climate plunges into Ice Age, does that mean that we have to release more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to reverse the change?

All these PCB environmentalist hypocrites and politicians should be arrested and jailed for deceiving the world.
as you say, not conclusive.

Those bigmouth environmentalist could be right or wrong.