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Liew Mun Leong Billion Dollars Temasek Reputation Has Been Rubbished


So, a retired 76-year old engineer from PUB is the acting chairman of CAG.
Liew is 74. Where is the succession plan. Which world class organisation
(even if ownself praise ownself) does not even have a succession plan?
Now, what, "global search" for someone, to find later only that the
person was actually found from another MIW's elite.
Han Ka Chan talked about global talent.In fact,it was just a selection from a pool of MIW Elites beholden to the empress.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The PAP hypocrites announced a list of requirements of good governance for
the banking institutions, among which was that they must show a succession
plan (incorporate core, BUT not stated specifically in the document).

CAG - no one in sight but an even older ex-engineer to be temporary chairman.
Surbana - CEO allowed to resign immediately on suspicious grounds, with no successor.

As Liew himself famously told his troops, ROT STARTS FROM THE FISH HEAD.

Rotting fish heads smell too. Very badly.


Alfrescian (Inf)

This is scrupulous !!!

Our home media trying to play down this case as just wrong assigments for domestic helper here! but there MORE than this !

what about the botched investigations by the police and its wrongful enforcements?

what about the double-class jurisdical systems?

what about the elititistic socialiasm encasted in our democratic country and worse . . . . well endorsed by our leadserships that 'cahoots' rather than conspiracy theory?

what about the favourism exercised by our government agencies and biaiseness in its executions?

of coz, its very easy to deflect and lead everyone as per press article above where this malpractises are seamlessly dragging every FDW employers into the pictures.

but the isolation from all is what built such society like this? social eliticisms or hypocrites? leaderships or tyrants? democracy or classifications

hope this chapter does not just end here as there are more stones and bigger ones yet to be unturned!

There is no media in Singapore. Only in-house newsletters of the PAP operating "newspapers" to make you pay for the
reading of party news, for the party, about the party, by the party.


When he was the CEO of Capitaland and his fellow senior management reserved prime units of their china projects under the names of their china concubines to flip.


Can't help it.

Inferior slanty genes at work.

,China ... are decades maybe even centuries behind the west in terms of most sciences and mathematics and what not,even Japan after 70 years lag behind greatly in most sciences ...even though I support China,I have to admit Asians as a race may never catch up with the Caucasians.

As for Singapore,we are just a joke colony of chink and other imported slaves for making money.......our contribution to mankind as a country will amount to nothing.


When he was the CEO of Capitaland and his fellow senior management reserved prime units of their china projects under the names of their china concubines to flip.


"Under the law, if a person is convicted of at least 3 charges, two of the sentences would run consecutively. By proceeding with four charges, the prosecution probably hoped an accused person would plea bargain and plead guilty to at least one charge on the promise of a withdrawal of the remaining charges.

For a migrant worker the temptation to plead guilty, serve a shorter prison sentence and be repatriated is tremendous. I suspect many guilty pleas were extracted from accused persons because they could not withstand the pressure of risking convictions of more than 3 charges.

For standing up to the pressure, I salute Liyani for her courage. Her lawyer and HOME have done a great job in believing and supporting her claim of innocence throughout the four years.
Justice Chan Seng Onn has delivered a judgement that should wake up those who are in charge of law and order.

Before I retired from legal practice more than 13 years ago, I had noticed a sea change in the attitude of prosecutors handling criminal matters. Police prosecutors have been replaced by highly qualified and legally trained personnel from the AGC. I hear complaints about their being arrogant. As a senior lawyer, I too had been snubbed when duty prosecutor refused to see me.

I remember one instance when my case was stood down by a senior judge who advised that I should see the duty prosecutor. My client had, like Liyani, faced more than 3 charges of shoplifting some goods of little value. He was a good man and was a first offender. He shoplifted not because he needed those items but I suspect, he was crying for help. He did not attempt to conceal the items he took. The duty prosecutor rejected my request to reduce the number of charges.

I returned to court and informed the judge. My client pleaded guilty to all the charges and I asked for probation for my client. In those days, it was rare for adults to be granted probation. The judge granted my request, much to the surprise of the prosecutor and lawyers. I suspect he was not too happy with the attitude of the duty prosecutor.

Arrogance can arise as a defence mechanism to the lack of confidence and experience. It can also come about because of the desire to win at any cost.

In Liyani’s case, there was the charge for theft of a spoilt Pioneer DVD player. I was shocked that the fact that that dvd player could not play dvds was not disclosed at the trial but was only admitted at the appeal.

Both the police and the public prosecutor knew that it was “spoilt” before the trial. If they had acknowledged this fact, Liyani’s defence that the owner had wanted to throw it away but that she kept it would have succeeded. This is not only a professional flaw but a character flaw on the part of the prosecutor.

The only reason I can think of for this non-disclosure is that the prosecutor wanted to win the case at all costs. This should never be the attitude of prosecutors. I hope Liyani’s case will put an end to such attitudes.

The AGC, MOM and Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) have a lot to do to improve their established system. They should not spend time trying to POFMA young activists but concentrate on improving the system that has been deteriorating over the years.

Turning a blind eye to these serious issues is detrimental to our country. We may have the best technology, machines and money, but what is the point when we have lost our soul."



Parti Liyani case: Workers' Party chair Sylvia Lim files parliamentary motion

Staff Writer, Singapore
Editorial Team
Yahoo News Singapore16 September 2020


Opposition Member of Parliament Sylvia Lim. PHOTO: Screengrab from Gov.sg YouTube channel


SINGAPORE — Workers' Party (WP) chair Sylvia Lim has filed an adjournment motion in Parliament for its next sitting in October, in the wake of the controversial case involving Indonesian domestic helper Parti Liyani and the family of prominent corporate leader Liew Mun Leong.

The motion, filed by the Member of Parliament (MP) for Aljunied on Monday, is entitled “Justice For All: Enhancing Equity in the Criminal Justice System”, according to WP’s Facebook post on Wednesday (16 September). It will make reference to the “deeper issues” raised by Parti’s case.

“The intention is to discuss aspects of the criminal justice system and the challenges faced by persons of less means in navigating it. Specific suggestions to improve the system will be made,” said the WP.

Parti, 46, who had worked for Liew’s family for almost a decade, was recently acquitted of theft. She was previously convicted in March 2019 and sentenced to 26 months’ jail in the State Courts for stealing items worth more than $34,000 from the household of the former Changi Airport Group (CAG) chair.

In his ruling in early September, Justice Chan Seng Onn found that the Liew family may have had an “improper motive” in filing a police report against Parti. He also highlighted lapses in police procedures, such as a break in the chain of custody, while calling into question the credibility of Karl Liew – Liew Mun Leong’s son – as a prosecution witness.

The case sparked a public uproar, with some alleging that the Liews had been given special treatment thanks to their privileged social status. Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam has pledged that the government will review shortcomings which led to Parti’s criminal prosecution.

The Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) will also study Justice Chan’s judgment, noting that his findings “do raise questions which warrant further investigations”.

Last Thursday, Liew stepped down from his public service and business roles with the CAG, Surbana Jurong, Temasek Foundation, and Temasek International with immediate effect. Liew said the police report against Parti was made in the genuine belief “that if there were suspicions of wrongdoing, it is our civic duty to report the matter to the police and let the authorities investigate accordingly”.

An adjournment motion involves an MP claiming the right to raise additional matters of public concern after a call to end a parliamentary sitting is raised.

This right to raise matters is allotted to one MP per sitting. Should there be more than one MP claiming the right, the motion will be decided by ballot.




God bless my darling Kirsten Han in ensuring WP table motion to fuck liew Mun Leong in parliament! I am so happy my darling Kirsten is so powerful and influential now ! Pinkie and jinx better run road before Kirsten comes for your head!




Alfrescian (Inf)
You cannot improve the judiciary when there is no clear line of separation between the executive and the legislative branches of government. It's like building a house without a proper foundation. A futile pissing against the wind. :wink:

Sinkieland is a Politburo system masquerading as a Parliament inherited from the Brits.



WP has filed motion in parliament for the topic.
as per kenneth p spelled it right to avoid himself gettin into trouble . . . . the elitistic inner-circle themselves endorsed by pap has adopted legal bullying, a trusted formulae led by their leaders i.e. pap thyemselves! cryonism has concretely extablished in this country since the day lky put his opponents in bars
and he had transformed that into elitism in order to secure his sons' entries.
rest of senior ministers followed, knowingly they are needed for the above reasons i.e. 'securing' the lee juniors
and they will be resigning once their legacies are well nourished e.g. gct's sons are billionaires oledi . . . . . .

but as this eltistics has become huge not just in the ministry but every parts of its agencies!
as long as pap is not wiped out, this bunch of LML-like minions will continue to reign in the limelite knowingly that they will be shield by pappies and/or upclass eltitistics groups i.e. their so-called inner-circle.

lets see if WP is not bold enuff to challenge shamu against the current elitistic-establishments of our jury systems..... the main focus
it will be waste of time if the topics go into agencies like mom, police probes etc. coz that will start the ping-pong games where jo teo will start cry-father-cry-mother again
its a drama year for sillypore in 2020...