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LHL and LHY army life...


I only know about Yang, so I cannot comment on Pinkie
Get Yang to surface and chat to us his SAF life and how Loong screwed up NSF liability and this 13 year reservist stink....

5 year of reservist is enough but change to 13 year is unnecessary.... abolish NSF liability.... reform and he can use this to fuck his brother deep deep.... 报仇雪恨

@Papsmearer what do you think?


I only know about Yang, so I cannot comment on Pinkie
That's good enough... thanks...

I was post to 4SAB signal.... under lanjiao bin Capt Tan incompetent one too... screwed up training... yang was in 40SAR, next door... ehhh... how come he was not in 4SAB....

This lanjiao bin Capt Tan the sabo king.... there was this going to Taiwan trip and he did 2 exercise already is enough... but one to do another one again... kiasu king....

Make us jintulan.... we are not free got business and family life to take care of... the Unimog signal teleprinter troop sabo him... switch off the equipment and play hide and seek saboed the exercise..... this lanjiao kia get the message drop the exercise....
Kanineh.... take us like slave suka suka do as he please for his own interest at the expense of us...
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Then I was attached to all sorts and types of lanjiao exercises, they borrow signal troops... for what? In case of emergency only... fuck man... just go to make phone calls at the public phone booth can do if got into a road accident, paralysed a soldier or a CAQ commit suicide....

There was this exercise for promotion of officers lead by lanjiao bin GCT wood man .... all fat beer belly motherfucker pui kia officers either too fat, CAQ type or lazy cannot charge up hill... shake head... lanjiao fake SAF... jiakleowbee and waste time NSF liability....

@Papsmearer ....


Yah lor.... he can do anything he likes... he don't have to spend a cent from his pocket... Brigade camp has best food and different menu everyday....
He got personal driver and bodyguard and can order cook sgt to prepare nasi bryni chicken with chendol .

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
he was also well liked by his unit at 21SA :geek:
Not sure about LHL
But Yang was genuinely loved by the men
When he was CO 46 SAR he was super welfare
Everyone was sad to see him promoted and posted out
When he as OC in 41 SAR he got a lot of WITS suggestions and each one of them was approved and implemented


Any super old bird from the early 70s heard of this incident where Pinky didn't check his rifle properly and a round went off from his rifle at the armskote room? His then CO wanted to charge him but Mindef intervened and made him sign 30 extras instead. The whole incident was kept under wraps and whether or not he actually did the extras nobody knows. Can anyone confirm if this is true?

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Pinky when he was colonel or general time went to some event at a camp and a lowly NSF forgot to salute him or salute late. He punished the guy by making him stand and face the wall at salute position.
Funny thing was he didn’t specify the length of punishment so nobody dared to ask the nsf to stand down. Even after Loong left. The guy was standing for hours. No one dare give the order. Finally one RSM Encik quietly told the nsf to fall out discreetly

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Tiagong , Bro Yang still holds the record at being the youngest Major ( one crab) by the age of 25 y.o. :cool:
Back then scholars were auto promoted very fast.
Examples like George Yeo, Teo Chee Hean etc. major at 26/27 were the norm.
later years after the Lee Brothers they slowed down the pace.