Yup we saw through pappy ways in plain sight.End of the day, the truth is, they have always believe that OKC deserve no Mercy, Compassion at all.
They have REJECTED all other mitigating factors of Mr Ong that lead to his actions.
But they will NOT even allow you to breathe a single doubt about Mr Seng's character, while they continue to chacracter assasinate Mr Ong.
This clearly shows their double standards, yet they have the CHEEK to think we are stupid enough to believe their hogwash.
Ignore silver cajoling you to give physical help to OKC, OKC's fate depends on the Kangaroo courts and the God of No Mercy no matter what you do.
Neither am I pro-violence and will not justify the attacks to SHT, but more against violence on violence. (Kinda lost on the expression, but ppl should get my drift) Like Israel and Hamas - when will they stop?