do u think they care??
The shit remains and accumulates making it ever more unbearable for the good ones, forcing more good ones to quit. It is a vicious cycle.
The % does not tell the true story.
who has the figures for the attrition rate of the Education Officers in MOE?
are they quitting en masse
did a lil' read up and found out that contract-adjunct and flexi-adjunct schemes are available
chanced upon some Parliamentary responses dated back in 2006, noted that about 1000 ex-teachers rejoined as adjuncts, half of them are retired teachers half of them left the service but came back as adjuncts.
i dont blame them for leaving
let sleeping dogs lie..
in the past, CCAs were in fact ECAs. what happened?
Bottom line - now everything also must be kilat!
Can I apply to be teacher? Fat people can teach too u know!
Can I apply to be teacher? Fat people can teach too u know!
Of course you can. You meant you have never seen a fat teacher before?
I can sit on these naughty students u know!