Poon pe pe
That's yr opinion, commoners vs LHL, not commoners vs Prime minister of Singapore.
PM of any country don't go about sue oppo and citizens over frivolous matter. He is a vindictive person 黑心鬼...
Consider using GRC voting system to reign the country is a coward, balless, shameful person.
When a man died he leaves behind his name. LKY name doesn't jell with commoners anymore. He shamed his son and family.... his children takes the wrath of his name forever....
I still remembered I was at PAP rally in Clementi sport stadium and see only PAP government forms the crowd there. JTC workers.
What happen to PAP? Disappointing is it.... who is disappointed? PAP or the commoners?
NWO of people watching news on TV in 1984 prevails and with PAP doesn't share equal TV airtime with oppo in election time pissed off commoners. This are coward and bully trade mark of a illegitimate voting fraud....
In 1989 GE the coward and bully LKY changed to GRC voting system made commoners passed. To reign and lord over the land of Singapore with illegitimate voting fraud divide the country.
crowdfunding is a NWO and commoners doesn't like a coward and bully ruling party to reign over them. PAP shamed the judiciary system and tainted the legitimate system that is supposed to defend commoners and not seen as a loss caused system like a chicken without a head.... sad so sad.... commoners cried every night before they go to sleep...
Wait for payday to send money to Leong Sze Hian for stirring shit?! Lol... i will rather use the money to wipe my asshole after a curry dinner!
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