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It is a sad picture. Nobody seems to care about this fellow. He is just another ordinary nobody.
and ESND can now surf prawn sites from changi... yay......
It is a sad picture. Nobody seems to care about this fellow. He is just another ordinary nobody.
Lky never know he will be victim of his own bully pap team one day.
Serve hin right to be bullied by his own organ he created.
Not only the best of the best, they will even believe that Singapore will collapse if Emperor Loong and Empress Ching plus their cronies decide to quit ... LOL...
Off he goes....Will he be back?
..Picture from another forum
You are right.
Too bad sg is made up of full of suckers and leeches which are the majority.
This is why the white can hold power for 52 years.
This is also why sg can never be a great country not for its small size but pettiness of its people.
Those suckers here trying to belittle LSY is because loong is in power now.
Trust me if LSY is the pm, they will suck his dicks too.
I don't know LSY personally.
He at least looks more kind and humble than the loong to me, and I believe that's true in real life.
And also that does not mean he's less clever for being more humble.
I agree with you that Hsien Yang is a very humble person.
I had encountered him thrice at the NTUC Best supermarket at Thomson Plaza. His both hands were lugging 8 or 9 bags of groceries
when an old auntie, a NTUC Best supervisor offered to assist him to carry his bags to his car parked at the basement. He refused her
offer and politely explained that he was capable and had no problem at all.
Saw him driving off from the basement by himself with no minders or bodyguards.
I wanted to briefly touch on the points she makes in her posting but Papsmearer has already put up a good riposte in his "Re: Ho Ching's Letter to LHY, nice try bitch, but not good enough" thread. I will just touch on the writing style she adopted, obviously for PR reasons and not to clear the air.
Her response to LHY is not an "argument". It's pretentiously written in the traditional Gaskellian "gentle" and "tactful" style which is more suited for fictional (and not expository) writing, and which was intended not for LHY nor his sister, but for the audience that will determine her and her husband's fates, and her son's political future.
There is no doubt her Gaskellian's piece, along with the sob story of a filial and dutiful daughter-in-law doing nothing more than carrying out her "filial" duties that she has thrown in for good measure, will convince the gullible; or those who are unaware of her double-faced personality starting way back in MINDEF in the mid 70s and 80s; her backstabbing skills, and her ruthlessness behind the public persona she puts on.
A leopard doesn't change its spots.
The gullible will forget that along with her husband, she has used all her God given talent to try to do a number on LKY, including scheming to move into his 38 Oxley Road house as soon as possible after his death.
The siblings' 6-page statement @ https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByodqaSLlpPIWHdRdFE2QlZYbzg/view, is worth a re-read now that more information have surfaced which provides more context to the siblings' charges about first born and his two-faced wife.
Here's her pretentious post again.
Yes, a nice guy. He and the late CK Tang were rated by the security services as the nicest people they had to deal with. When he moved out for the first time to Cairnhill after marriage, he was well liked by neighbours. The same with the Army and the Singtel folks.
Funny you mentioned supermarkets. One thing I noticed over the years - he loves to shop at supermarkets. It was something that his neighbours noticed as well. Not just in Singapore but everywhere he goes. He used to fly out on Fridays night to his house in Perth and on Saturdays late morning he can be spotted at Whitford Shopping Centre at the super market. I suppose it was some sort of therapy.
The thing that surprised me was the issue with Han Cheng Fong. Not sure if it was the father or HC driving the issue.
In contrast used to see JBJ at Centrepoints yelling at staff at Cold Storage, Cashiers reduced to tears. I suppose it is a crazy world.
Yes, a nice guy. He and the late CK Tang were rated by the security services as the nicest people they had to deal with. When he moved out for the first time to Cairnhill after marriage, he was well liked by neighbours. The same with the Army and the Singtel folks.
Funny you mentioned supermarkets. One thing I noticed over the years - he loves to shop at supermarkets. It was something that his neighbours noticed as well. Not just in Singapore but everywhere he goes. He used to fly out on Fridays night to his house in Perth and on Saturdays late morning he can be spotted at Whitford Shopping Centre at the super market. I suppose it was some sort of therapy.
The thing that surprised me was the issue with Han Cheng Fong. Not sure if it was the father or HC driving the issue.
In contrast used to see JBJ at Centrepoints yelling at staff at Cold Storage, Cashiers reduced to tears. I suppose it is a crazy world.
Yes, a nice guy. He and the late CK Tang were rated by the security services as the nicest people they had to deal with. When he moved out for the first time to Cairnhill after marriage, he was well liked by neighbours. The same with the Army and the Singtel folks.
Funny you mentioned supermarkets. One thing I noticed over the years - he loves to shop at supermarkets. It was something that his neighbours noticed as well. Not just in Singapore but everywhere he goes. He used to fly out on Fridays night to his house in Perth and on Saturdays late morning he can be spotted at Whitford Shopping Centre at the super market. I suppose it was some sort of therapy.
The thing that surprised me was the issue with Han Cheng Fong. Not sure if it was the father or HC driving the issue.
In contrast used to see JBJ at Centrepoints yelling at staff at Cold Storage, Cashiers reduced to tears. I suppose it is a crazy world.
I used to spot him at Cold Storage Holland jelita when he was still in the army. He would do his shopping there, collect his dry cleaning and his tailor was in the same building too. He was always alone. Polite and unassuming. Then already one star General.
Even in the army he was Super welfare and the men under him got many privileges. Not sure if that was a carefully crafted public persona or what. But compared with his Brother who had a strict reputation even back then. Punished a soldier for hrs for saluting wrongly. Even the Sister had a no nonsense suffered no fools reputation. I would say he was the nicest Lky offspring
I used to spot him at Cold Storage Holland jelita when he was still in the army. He would do his shopping there, collect his dry cleaning and his tailor was in the same building too. He was always alone. Polite and unassuming. Then already one star General.
Even in the army he was Super welfare and the men under him got many privileges. Not sure if that was a carefully crafted public persona or what. But compared with his Brother who had a strict reputation even back then. Punished a soldier for hrs for saluting wrongly. Even the Sister had a no nonsense suffered no fools reputation. I would say he was the nicest Lky offspring
The thing that surprised me was the issue with Han Cheng Fong. Not sure if it was the father or HC driving the issue.
Yep, same story all thru out.
Yang & Loong were living in Grangeford Apartments, Leonie Hill Rd and I learned about the suicide from my tenants who were living on the same floor with Loong.
Poor thing injected water or air into her veins.
Ex men of 46th SAR. We support Yang. Swift and Decisive.
I don't know about Whore Jinx's ruthlessness and back-stabbing skill, but I do know how she was selected to marry Pondang Lee.
Right after his 1st wife's delivery of a baby with albinism she was driven to suicide by her father-in-law.
FIL then instructed the director of security & intelligence dept to invite 50 females from various govt agencies for interviews.
After round one interview more than 25 girls felt disgusted and backed out when they learned that the exercise was to select a suitable wife for LHL.
For those who chose to remain, they underwent four or five more rounds of interviews by SID, thorough background checks and eventually DNA testing.
The last one standing was the Whore and the rest is history.
I did not hear this story before. If I know Old Fart was looking for charbors to marry to Gay Loong, I would suggest he look no further then Winston Choo's office. Winston use to take the best looking girls from Golf Company OCS and post them to his office after they got commissioned. He had at least 6 girls working there for him, all minimum Lt rank and all very chio. Ah Loong should just walk in and help himself. SMDC was another place for chio charbors, and slutty ones too.
Yes, a nice guy. He and the late CK Tang were rated by the security services as the nicest people they had to deal with. When he moved out for the first time to Cairnhill after marriage, he was well liked by neighbours. The same with the Army and the Singtel folks.
Funny you mentioned supermarkets. One thing I noticed over the years - he loves to shop at supermarkets. It was something that his neighbours noticed as well. Not just in Singapore but everywhere he goes. He used to fly out on Fridays night to his house in Perth and on Saturdays late morning he can be spotted at Whitford Shopping Centre at the super market. I suppose it was some sort of therapy.
The thing that surprised me was the issue with Han Cheng Fong. Not sure if it was the father or HC driving the issue.
In contrast used to see JBJ at Centrepoints yelling at staff at Cold Storage, Cashiers reduced to tears. I suppose it is a crazy world.