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Lee Hsien Yang and wife 'flee to return to Singapore', say police

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Not only arrest
Who’s to say Pinky won’t pull a Kim Jong Un stunt on his brother.
Who’s to say LWL passed naturally? Her demise could have been hasten. Nothing is beyond the vile Leegime
Remember the emperor and the dowager are Gods of sg they can do anything they want
Chinese call this single handed cover the sky


The only time when it might be okay to come back is when a public pardon and declaration of amnesty is declared, written and legally binding, not spoken.

The police should not be making statements about this. In fact, doing this already exposes their dishonorable intentions. :cool:
More like Oppo in power.


These 3 really irreconcilable. All so old liao and goin to uplorry soon also. I think when they meet again in afterlife will continue to fight.

Bonus is that laocheebye hole Jinx join in the altercation to add more fuel to the fire.