Onky in fucking india wikk they promote their own cheat.
This comes as no surprise
This comes as no surprise
Onky in fucking india wikk they promote their own cheat.
Twin brothers lah.
Twin brothers lah.
notice that AhNeh ftrash always fucks twice....... the recent case of shitskin fucking ex Indon maid in CCK within 30 mins & the bangla rapist in Mc Richie Reservoir plus the Geylang tenant who pretended to borrow toothpaste ended up in raping PRC wife twice
Why shitskin so virilre??????????? At this rate skinskin shud rule the world NOT the han race
They eat too much beans.
Same with the South Americans.
This T-shirt says it all.
This T-shirt says it all.
Dont use quotes from angmohs. Know barbaric angmoh history of evil doing to many nations one after another in the name of their Jesus son Lord Lucifer.
Opium Drug addict overseas chinese are so bad in Chinese histories, language and cultures that they cannot use great Chinese quotes.
Fucking useless overseas chinks in Singapore. 不是华人。
He spoke well and there is nothing wrong in knowing ang mor history,,,,and ah tiong history is more evil than ang mor history,,,how many have the emperors and mao killed? ah tiong history not barbaric? ah tiongs are such saints,,,,
Yes lah kang tan man. Tr angmoh history are saints even their law is God.
Knn. Why so hard to understand a king is abover the law. Chinese already acknowledge that. You come you slaughter my king. You take ocer my land and maje new rules of law. I donk like you taje my land we fight till last man standing.
A king is a self made ruler above his own conquered land. He owned the land he conquered and makes his own rules of law.
You fucking Angmoh kong jiao wei want to fight against everything. Use democracy can conquered land meh?
Get lawyers go fight to conqure land meh?
Know what Tan wah tiu means. Wait for me to fuck you is it?