i'm telling papsmear there's nothing wrong with the doc's logic. and i wish to add. lhl is thinking on behalf of sg's legacy going into posterity while lky in his senile and twilight years was being inward looking and focused only on his immediate family (nothing wrong with that too). that dead fart was extremely contemptous of sinkies. not even sinkie supporters of him all their freaking lives who toiled and contributed to what sg is today. adding insult to injury until his last breath not one sinkie other than his family can step foot into his sacred mancave, a valhalla sanctuary only the genetic forbears of his sperm (and egg from a gecko) can cum and congregate. all other sinkies be damned if you don't have his dna. 69% of sinkies will line up to contaminate the purity of his genetic footprint if the house is open to the public. but i don't think that's lhl intent. his intent is to preserve it for posterity as a symbol and solace of sg's struggles in the forming years while gollum and playboy and their ilk are doing exactly what the dead fart feared - patriarch-worship to the 96-degree so much so that every last word he breathed has to be taken and executed literally. there can be various interpretation but there's only one in sg when you have the law, legislation and all judges on your side.