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Never doubted he'll be back like hotbot aka krafty but what surprised me was how short a time that happened. A dog is really desperate for approval
Whahaha whahaha..........
Never doubted he'll be back like hotbot aka krafty but what surprised me was how short a time that happened. A dog is really desperate for approval
There is no still closure to the house after all the hoo-hah today. If the house is not going to be demolished according to LKY's wish, I suspect LHY and LWL will not just let it go. More dirty laundry will be aired; each piece will be dirtier than the previous one.
We shall see if LHY and LWL will go to that extent. I am certain also that their father would have told them NOT to go too far against their brother just over the house issue.
Put it this way. If LKY was really so peeved about the house issue, he should have made it public while he was still alive that his son LHL had plans to preserve it or that cabinet had plans. And then tell the people clearly that DESPITE cabinet and PM LHL's plans to preserve 38 Oxley, he wants it demolished. That way there would be absolutely no controversy.
The problem is knowing LKY as the scheming politically cunning bloke he was, he did not want to make his son look bad (despite being pissed with him) in public.
I doubt LKY would approve of LHY and LWL's actions today.
so 3717 has come and gone.
Judging from the LACK of activity here, I'd say it was a non event. As expected.
Seriously, these things are good that it gives the public a chance to make their voices heard. And once again hopefully in the next elections they can put their mark.
However until we see election results go against the PAP forget about any change.
I see some people slamming the WP as well. Those guys are not dumb. If they go too far, they will get sued and destroyed by the PAP.
The only way to fight the PAP is to give opposition MPs the mandate to. And you need much more than 6 of them in Parliament to have any real impact.
How come nobody tells LHY if you go already go....don't come back....good riddance?
My message to LHY and LWL is that if you really feel so strongly about LHL's and HC's abuse of power and what not, then show evidence and examples that really hit Singapore hard. Not this silly issue about a house and then try to non plus it with insinuations of nepotism and what not. LHY and LWL clearly know and have evidence of more damaging stuff. But they do not want to release it because they will probably implicate themselves in a full blown investigation.
It will be a bombshell if they reveal that Ho Ching has a cupboard full of strapons.
LHY and LWL have already gone too deep. There is no return except to go deeper. The only way to stop the two from pursuing their end is to declare that LKY's will on the demoliton of the house stands , period.
That will be the most likely outcome. PAP will do that but not right away. Must save face. They will let this play out for a bit. To capitulate so quickly would be a sign of weakness.
Give it about 3 months then after that they will say that after reviewing all the options and considerations, they have decided to demolish it.
The question is whether LHY and LWL will be daring to release more damaging information relating to the Lee's in other areas of governance.
What is LHY and LWL's agenda? So far it seems that they just want to see 38 Oxley demolished. Simple as that. All other intentions are just speculation by people eager to see the PAP trip and fall.
You guys are no different from the PAP. Any dissenting voices albeit substantiated with logical explanations are responded with derogatory dismissing insulting words.
The fact that I can elicit strong reactions from you guys is testament that I hit on the right spots.
The true dogs are those that bark and make noise with absolutely no substance whatsoever.
It will be a bombshell if they reveal that Ho Ching has a cupboard full of strapons.
We can only believe that they only simply want the house demolished if we can answer the question "why they want it demolished". To believe that they are doing all these just to fulfill the father's wish or maybe to displace lhl because they hated him so much is too simple-minded. The only sure thing so far is that Lhl has been embarrassed and shamed in the international arena. The latest fb by lhy in Chinese is most telling though most think that it is to reach out to the local ah pek & ah soh....
What is LHY and LWL's agenda? So far it seems that they just want to see 38 Oxley demolished. Simple as that. All other intentions are just speculation by people eager to see the PAP trip and fall.
Completely agree. There is already a process in place without the cabinet involvement except when a decision has to be made. Clearly an attempt to fix the siblings over the change in will and his exclusion as as executor. Vindictive conduct.
We can only believe that they only simply want the house demolished if we can answer the question "why they want it demolished". To believe that they are doing all these just to fulfill the father's wish or maybe to displace lhl because they hated him so much is too simple-minded. The only sure thing so far is that Lhl has been embarrassed and shamed in the international arena. The latest fb by lhy in Chinese is most telling though most think that it is to reach out to the local ah pek & ah soh.
I think what will follow is also not clear to them. They are also waiting.
Don't be a crybaby lah. You were the one who told the whole forum goodbye you're leaving but still secretly lurking for scroobal's plea to stay. Then now you say you're the best and we're the bullies. Lol
Just wondering.. does this happen in you life a lot? Because you already left sinkieland but still need put your former countrymen down. Sounds like this is symptomatic of a bigger psychological issue
Go seek help
You guys are just jealous. So petty. YOU are the one yearning for someone at this forum to say good things about you. Not me. I already have that. I got an email last week from Homer. Anyone remember him?
It is pretty interesting hearing from some of the old timers who still read the forum but do not post anymore.
yeah we're so jealous. You're so great.
Now fuck off
Sorry I am not going to give you the leisure by leaving. I will stay and be your coccydynia. You bescumbered microphallus!
ooohhh I'm sooo scared by those big words
Lol. please grow up lah
this is my last reply to you. i don't want to derail this excellent thread
You guys are just jealous. So petty. YOU are the one yearning for someone at this forum to say good things about you. Not me. I already have that. I got an email last week from Homer. Anyone remember him?
It is pretty interesting hearing from some of the old timers who still read the forum but do not post anymore.
OK OK don cry give u a dog bone later.
Good doggie.go give your master fuck your backside
My prediction about WP made three weeks ago on 20 June.
I was wrong. The useless Teochew bastard went a few steps further to whitewash everything by defending first born and his government from the crucial charges of abuses of power and office.
I have known this Teochew backstabbing bastard since the 80s when he first joined WP and started his deceitful plot to oust JBJ at the behest of LKY. It took my colleagues in WP several years to uncover this scheming snake and political fraud. He continues to be a political fraud today, a corrupt snake who was beholden to LKY back then, and who is now beholden to his son, LHL.
Kudos to him for being a very successful fraud though. He has been able to successfully hoodwink his supporters and has been able to take the electorate for a long ride over three decades. As a result, he has grown very wealthy, something which he take pains to hide from the public.