K Shanmugam Sc At 8.05 am (26 December 24), this Malay or Filipino looking man was walking to ntuc entrance and saw me two meters away walking in the opposite direction also towards ntuc entrance and started whistling.
When I took out my phone he stopped whistling immediately, meaning it’s another few seconds type of whistling aimed at causing me distress that is impossible to be recorded unless I have a body camera like police. This man then quickly turned his body side way and keep his head suspiciously low looking downwards so that I can’t take his photo at the aisle, and the same when he is at the cashier.
Obviously why he whistled a few seconds is the same reason as all the other harassers that gang up to use this evil dirty trick to harass me and the same reason why so many black people across the globe come to fall under “people I may know”, evil filthy Malaysian criminals are spreading lies smearing me slut whore mistress to every neighbourhood I live from jb to spore to anywhere on earth to get all these evil dirty men that think that they are entitled to trample women to gang up to use whistle to cause me distress with such whistling harassment everyday everywhere I live and go.