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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Ukraine's minor victories lately is definitely helped by the US and Western intelligence to exactly pinpoint their targets. That fucking useless CCB Bloodymir Putin had gravely underestimated these "backhand" retaliations.

However, going forward, Bloodymir Putin will be losing big time, as his soldiers are already demoralized, his soldiers' parents are gravely concern for their sons' safety and worst of all, the Russian's fucking economy is slowly but surely collapsing. When he has to depend on North Korea for weapons and labor, something is definitely wrong internally within the Kremlin.

Russian officials call for Putin to be toppled as Moscow suffers ‘significant’ military setback in Ukraine​

Russian officials call for Putin to be toppled as Moscow suffers ‘significant’ military setback in Ukraine​

Rory Sullivan
Mon, 12 September 2022, 11:47 pm·2-min read

In this article:

  • Vladimir Putin

    Vladimir Putin
    President of Russia

Angered by their country’s war in Ukraine, some Russian officials have taken the brave step of publicly calling for Vladimir Putin’s resignation.
District councils in the long-serving leader’s home city of St Petersburg are among those who have urged the country to oust the 69-year-old.
As Ukraine began a successful counterattack against Russian-occupied positions in the Kharkiv region, deputies from St Petersburg’s Smolninsky District issued a statement calling for Mr Putin to be tried for treason.
Dmitry Palyuga, one of the councillors, tweeted that the motion was supported by most of the district’s deputies.
"We believe that the decision made by president Putin to start the special military operation is detrimental to the security of Russia and its citizens,” he said.
Criticism of the Russian president has also crept up into the national state TV discourse.
In a rare show of defiance, Boris Nadezhdin, a former liberal politician, told a Gazprom-owned channel that Mr Putin had been misled into thinking Ukraine would capitulate if he invaded.
“We are now at the point where we have to understand that it’s absolutely impossible to defeat Ukraine using those resources and colonial methods with which Russia is trying to wage war,” he said.
Mr Nadezhdin said Russia’s reliance on mercenaries and its failure to mobilise its reserves meant the country would struggle against a Ukrainian army backed by European weapons.
“A strong army is opposing the Russian army,” he warned.
Although others have been more circumspect in their criticism, one Russian newspaper, the Nezavisimaya Gazeta, went as far as complaining that the Kremlin had not commented for several days about “extremely disturbing reports from Ukraine”.
On Monday, the Putin regime attempted to appear unconcerned by developments in northeastern Ukraine, where it is thought to have lost 3,000 square kilometers of territory in just five days. Moscow claims it simply ordered its troops to withdraw in order to “regroup”.
Dmitry Peskov, Mr Putin’s spokesperson, insisted Russia would continue with the conflict until it achieved its aims. "The special military operation continues. And it will continue until the goals that were originally set are achieved."
The Russian president, however, did not address concerns about his soldiers’ performance when he chaired a televised meeting on the economy on Monday.

Source: https://sg.news.yahoo.com/russian-officials-call-putin-toppled-154743824.html

Oh Dear, @Loofydralb will be so demoralized upon hearing this news. He'd better go and dig a hole in the sand to hide his face, just like an ashamed ostrich.
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Byebye Penis

not sure if it will last. Likely Turkey and Ruskies behind them.

Just focus on Ukraine for the time being. If Russia had invaded China instead of Ukraine, they probably won by now.
Update: Armenia asked Ruskies to send troops and equipment to whack Azerbaijan

Cannot win Ukraine, maybe can try Azerbaijan. China's People's Congress Committee Chairman Li Zhanshu just visited Russia.

Will China encourage Putin to double down?

Byebye Penis

Ukraine helped modernized China's military and imparted military tech to China in the past two decades. Even the first aircraft carrier and various military hardwares were from Ukraine.

In the past 200 days, China betrayed Ukraine.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
There is a reason developed nations have not been aggressors for a long time. It doesn't work in the modern paradigm. Only the intellectually challenged or socially backward dinosaurs still believe the "strongman" theory.

Most asiatics believe in the strongman theory. Their history books praise kings and generals who established empires. For example, many asiatics may support turkey because Erdogan appears like a strongman. And he has boosted his own credentials with recent military victories in Libya, Syria, Armenia with his drones.

Aggressors don't work so well if they fight according to the rules while their enemies don't. Aggressors from modern countries take all sort of shit when a handful of villagers get killed. Terrorists and militants do not anger the entire countryside into taking up arms against them when they shoot people and rape their daughters.

That's why the Americans haven't been winning many wars since WW2. Their last major win was during Desert Storm 1 and 2, against conventional armies of Saddam Hussein.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Only one word to describe these fucking bastards: HYPOCRITES.

May they die and rot in Hell forever, especially those pro-CCP Bastards.

Yup. Many of those who hate the PAP are pro-strongmen of turkey, chinkland and russia. I bet they adore North Korea too. They hate PAP for the exact same reasons that they love for Putin, Xi, Erdogan and Kim.


Ukraine helped modernized China's military and imparted military tech to China in the past two decades. Even the first aircraft carrier and various military hardwares were from Ukraine.

In the past 200 days, China betrayed Ukraine.
If the China's Chinese can be trusted, pigs would be able to fly today.


Who won?

So pathetic russkies, can't even finish off tiny ukraine after so long.

So pathetic western yankees, can't even dare to fight russkies openly.



Ukraine helped modernized China's military and imparted military tech to China in the past two decades. Even the first aircraft carrier and various military hardwares were from Ukraine.

In the past 200 days, China betrayed Ukraine.


Russkies sold even more hardware to Tiongs and sided with Tiongs over Taiwan issue.

Ukraine refused to hand over MotorSich to Tiongs after receiving payment.

After colour revolution started by yankees in Ukraine, that's when Ukrainian regime turned pro Western, "nazi" as putler claimed.

In any case, I don't mind if ang moh kia fight each other, kill each other.

All of them are evil, no questions asked. That's the nature of kuffar.

1. Note that russkies, to this day, recognize Zionist terrorist entity, russkies decimated, genocided plenty of Muslims mostly Turkic donkeys though but Muslims nevertheless. Soviets even invaded Afghanistan and commies were virulently anti religion incl anti Islamic.

That bastard Putler even said he has no objection if Zionist (terrorists) bomb Palestine.

2. Ukraine's zelensky is a zionist Jew. A rabid fanatic zionist, he came out openly in favour of Zionist terrorist entity.

3. Then gayropeans and yankees are all fanatically pro Zionist terrorist entity. We have got no reason to side with them or care for their real or imagined plight. Let them kill each other, the more the merrier.

4. As I have said, if there is one silver lining to this nonsense, it's that ang moh kia worldwide will become less powerful and that means Jewish parasites will have fewer, less powerful hosts from which to suck blood.

5. Muslims should increase population, full stop, period, no questions asked. The end.

6. As we have seen population more than any other factor is the singular most decisive factor in deciding a country's collective national strength.

So increase population, the rest is just basic. Simple. Straightforward.

7. Maybe some ppl are too dumb, too young, too ignorant but I recall very well there was a time when Tiongkok was poorer than even Indon but true enough they have managed to surpass Indon.

Iran has been sacntioned, embargoed, isolated to become so poor that now Iran is poorer than Tiongkok on a per capita basis, on both measures, exchange rate and purchasing power parity basis.

That is despite its enormus reserves of oil gas minerals and what not.

Lesson to be learnt: If you want to be geopolitically powerful i.e. independent, you need population. Massive 2, 3, 5 or even 10 billion population. A teeny tiny joke sized population of joke countries like Iran Turkey Egypt or some such with merely 80 or 100 million people is laughable. There is a good reason none of these countries amount to anything no matter how much they try to develop their countries or improve their population's qualities.

The best examples of teeny tiny 80 to 126 million countries might be Germans or Japanese.

They are developed countries but that's it. Just weak, occupied, vassal states, defeated countries that follow their occupiers, masters, without any questions asked. Such puppet regimes installed in vassal states don't amount to anything geopolitically significant.

8. Since ASEAN is best compared to niggaz in terms of lack of historical ancient civilizations, achievements, brains, intellect, intelligence, culture, intellectuals or glorious eras, don't be surprised if in distant future CECA virus also surpasses Indon.

9. As I have said before, there is no mini-Iran or mini-Russia anywhere in the world that has managed to quickly transform into not only rich and well developed but knowledge intensive high tech countries anywhere in the world. So it's quite clear both these countries, along with CECA, do really struggle to develop their countries in the modern era.

Tiongs are different in this regard since mini-tiongs elsewhere have been partially successful, successfully becoming not only rich but advanced and knowledge based countries that quickly transformed usually within a slow pace of 60 years or so (the exception is Stinkypura, which has declined by all accounts in recent decades).

The limitation is that genetically inferior slanties can only be second tier, at best. That's the best copycats can do. Copying only takes you so far. Genetic deficiency, inventive faculty is missing among Mongoloids.

10. If Mongoloids are pragmatic, as all slanties from stinkies to Tiongs like to brag, then they should act as they say and admit publicly they are genetically inferior and only fit for copycat behaviour, abandon all attempts at trying to invent since they are bound to fail, and move on. Forever remain second tier.

Or perhaps accept some anti Western Caucasoid geniuses as their saviours, kowtow in front of them for months on end, and hope and pray their remorseful plea is accepted, so that inventive Caucasoids can defeat kafir ang moh kia. That will ease the pressure on non inventive copycat inferior mongoloid breed.

Niggaz just a useless low iQ bunch, because of geographic proximity with Arabs, they brought the Arabs down too.

Look at suudi clown prince. A full on nigger. subhuman son of a nigger. Islam is too complicated, too sophisticated for such subhuman low IQ uncivilized niggers. The truth can't be comprehended by low IQ beings, in fact, the Holy Quran also attests to that .

In the first revelation of Qur’an, the acquisition of knowledge is emphasized: “Recite: In the name of thy Lord who created,”(Qur’an;96:1); “.. Are the knowledgeable and the ignorant equal? In fact, none will take heed except the people of understanding.”(Qur’an;39:9). Islam encourages thinking and acquisition of knowledge, which also include the scientific knowledge (Qur’an;3:190-191). The Qur’an uses word ‘Ulema’ only once, in the context of scholars, who ponder over the natural phenomena (scientist): “Do you not see that Allah sends down rain from the sky with which We bring forth fruits of various colors? Similarly, in the mountains there are streaks of various shades including white, red, jet-black rocks. Likewise men, beasts and cattle have their different colors. In fact, only those among His servants who possess knowledge fear Allah; surely Allah is All-Mighty, All-Forgiving.”(Qur’an;35:27,28).

Islam is the faith based upon knowledge and thinking with wisdom, for it is ultimately knowledge of the Oneness of God combined with faith and total commitment to Him that saves man in this world and hereafter. Allah says in Qur’an: “Call people to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and best advice, and reason with them, if you have to, in the most courteous manner: for your Lord knows best who strays from His Way and He knows best who is rightly guided.”(Qur’an;16:125).

We can see clearly why that subhuman son of nigger Suudi clown prince would stray away from Islam and move towards Kufr. Nigger brains aren't fit for complicated things, not fit for Islam, not fit for understanding or comprehension, not fit for thinking.

A Nigger such as suudi clown prince is only fit for simpler earthly pleasures that his kafir yankee masters recommend him .

this is similar to how inferior slanty australoid filled indon or malaun are not Islamic one bit and any of the fundamental tenets of Islam that they are taught simply escape them, continue to elude them.

dumbf@rk low IQ nations with low inventiveness


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
actually it's a mini, short ww2 with Putin taking Hitler's place.

There is a reason developed nations have not been aggressors for a long time. It doesn't work in the modern paradigm. Only the intellectually challenged or socially backward dinosaurs still believe the "strongman" theory.

It appears that a dozen or so Himars trucks from America had turned the tide. Imagine how badly Russia would have lost if it was the full might of the US army against them, instead of just a dozen or so missile launcher trucks.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
In any case, I don't mind if ang moh kia fight each other, kill each other.

All of them are evil, no questions asked. That's the nature of kuffar.

Most of us feel the same way towards mohameddans. That's the sick nature of the mohameddan religion and its mohameddan followers like you.


Yup. Many of those who hate the PAP are pro-strongmen of turkey, chinkland and russia. I bet they adore North Korea too. They hate PAP for the exact same reasons that they love for Putin, Xi, Erdogan and Kim.
that is a strange but true observation. The illogicality of it defies belief. The PAP was a strongman polity which gave actual benefits to its citizens which they heap fucktons of hate upon, but they turn around and support those that impoverish and kill their citizens? :confused:

Dumb and dumber.


Ukraine helped modernized China's military and imparted military tech to China in the past two decades. Even the first aircraft carrier and various military hardwares were from Ukraine.

In the past 200 days, China betrayed Ukraine.

the whole political system in China is based on power and betrayal, not ethics or principles. What else can you expect out of it?


Old Fart
even if they don't kena bombing, the Russian people are surely going to suffer because of this.

I don't support warfare without good reason. So much suffering on both sides. I'm not a supporter of suffering.
But Lord Buddha says life is suffering. But our suffering is temporary, and enlightenment is forever. Amituofo :biggrin:


If driving yourself into a cauldron for a publicity stunt is a victory, yes they have won. You need to let people let of some steam after months of abstinence.
Somehow, Russia has to lose this war, especially when ⅔ of the world is against Russia. It's ⅔ of the world against 1 Pariah leader. If Russia will be victorious, China will think that they can also do the same to Taiwan and conquer it with ease. Because if Taiwan will fall, what next? Japan, the whole of the East and South China Sea regions, and probably up to Guam. Thereafter, this whole fucking world will be in total chaos.

You will get your retribution for your continued allegiance to the CCP and the Mainlander's Chinese.
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