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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Somehow, Russia has to lose this war, especially when ⅔ of the world is against Russia. It's ⅔ of the world against 1 Pariah leader. If Russia will be victorious, China will think that they can also do the same to Taiwan and conquer it with ease. Because if Taiwan will fall, what next? Japan, the whole of the East and South China Sea regions, and probably up to Guam. Thereafter, this whole fucking world will be in total chaos.

You will get your retribution for your continued allegiance to the CCP and the Mainlander's Chinese.
Russia lost the current battle on the northeast that's true. Ukraine dump their entire army into this offensive taking heavy casualties but this is badly needed to help America justify continue pouring weapons in. Russia is caught by surprise because they did not expect Zelensky to go for broke. Russia did the right thing by withdrawing and not taking losses on men. Just as it has happened before, it will happen again, AFU is driving itself into a cauldron and they will be cooked soon.
As for China, they are way wiser than you think. You must be very naive to think America wants to "liberate" Taiwan. America wants Chinese people to kill each other while they continue to send weapons. This is the only way America can stall the rise of China surpassing America.


Russia did the right thing by withdrawing and not taking losses on men.
Now taking on the sacrificial lamb theory. What a piece of crap?

Just see for yourself. Do you think Bloodymir Putin wants to lose all these if his men were able to defend themselves? It'll be very demeaning and humiliating to him and for his people back in Russia.

See what Russians left behind after being run out of city:​

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But Lord Buddha says life is suffering. But our suffering is temporary, and enlightenment is forever. Amituofo :biggrin:
that's just scratching the surface. life in this world is indeed not easy. just glancing at how hard sparrows and squirrels have to work to survive is telling. suffering in fact is necessary for enlightenment. It's hard to tell, maybe you're right, but sometimes people like to dole out and sometimes even enjoy unnecessary suffering.

may you well be well-enlightened. Amitofu! sorry Amituofo... I can never get the pronunciation right...:tongue:


As for China, they are way wiser than you think. You must be very naive to think America wants to "liberate" Taiwan. America wants Chinese people to kill each other while they continue to send weapons. This is the only way America can stall the rise of China surpassing America.
Why does the US needs to liberate Taiwan? Did the US ever once say that Taiwan belongs to them? Neither would the Taiwanese like to having being owned by the US, but by Japan maybe. I foresee that ⅔ of the whole world is fearful that should Taiwan falls into China, all its vital semiconductor technologies will be acquired by China and knowing the (bad) characteristics and unreasonable aggressiveness of the CCP and its people (which never plays by the rules), we will all be living at the mercy of China.

One very good example is Winnie had personally promised to Obama that he will never militarize those islets in the South China Sea, but look exactly at what is happening to that area today? How do you account for this felony? Because of what China is doing, those East Asian countries (eg: Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam and even Australia) are now beefing up their military preparations and installations, causing more tensions in this area. The Philippines would have joined in as well if only they have the financial means.

China's pending failure, both economically and politically, is its own doing by Winnie. If he had not cheated, not boasted (unlike Deng) and play its collaboration fairly with the rest of the world, China may have prospered even more today. But because of 1 single leader's greed for eternal power, it will definitely lead to its eventual downfall before the country can be rebuild again.

Do you know why companies like HuaWei and ZTE are never penalized, unlike their private entities like Alibaba, Tencent, Didi? That's because the former 2 are just a few of the companies which are fully controlled by the CCP.

Is China at Risk of a Major Financial Crisis? - VisualPolitik EN:​

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Yup. Many of those who hate the PAP are pro-strongmen of turkey, chinkland and russia. I bet they adore North Korea too. They hate PAP for the exact same reasons that they love for Putin, Xi, Erdogan and Kim.
They hate PAP because they have been lied cheated and stolen.


Old Fart
that's just scratching the surface. life in this world is indeed not easy. just glancing at how hard sparrows and squirrels have to work to survive is telling. suffering in fact is necessary for enlightenment. It's hard to tell, maybe you're right, but sometimes people like to dole out and sometimes even enjoy unnecessary suffering.

may you well be well-enlightened. Amitofu! sorry Amituofo... I can never get the pronunciation right...:tongue:
And may we all persevere, do our best, eat suffering for breakfast and shit it out in the evening! :biggrin:



Officials from 18 Russian districts call for Putin to resign:​

Fucking Bastard Chao Chee Bye Bloodymir Putin will see his own doomsday soon. Ditto to Winnie that bastard.

Urgent news! The assassination attempt on Putin: the unthinkable has begun, betrayed? Just a shock!:​

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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
They hate PAP because they have been lied cheated and stolen.

The strongmen like Putin, Xi, Putin and Kim lie, cheat and steal from their own people all the time. They also have their own oppies killed in prison.

PAP has killed no oppies in Singapore prisons.



The Kremlin issued a red alert! A bomb exploded in Moscow!:​

Wonder if this piece of news is reliable?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Three Soldiers dressed in prisoner uniforms leave through the entrance of a prison. They wear the Russian flag on their uniform.


Wimar Verdecia Fuentes
18 September 2022

Russian Prisoners go to War

A leaked video of a well-known Russian war contractor seeking to recruit prisoners has exposed the lengths
to which the Russians are willing to go in this war. It also reveals the shortage of personnel willing to participate in Putin's war.