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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

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    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

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Super Moderator
Kissinger - the man who made LKY jump out of the plane without parachute. Cold War Chief architect who made America great. He is the last intelligent human form left in America. They should really clone him.
Could Kissinger already seen what was to come in Ukraine?


You're too stupid to realise generals don't fly sorties
Talked like as if you know the Russian air force very well. Even their generals have to be deployed in the frontlline with their ground troops. So, why not being a pilot in their jets now? Confirmed you are as silly as Goofy.

Good for you as a Russian and Tiong Porlumpas. Inflation will eat into your daily expenses deep deep. Congratulations because you asked for it.
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At this pathetic range of salaries for the Russian army, how to expect them not to be corrupted?

Monthly Rates of Pay for Officer Personnel
RankMonthly PayDollar Value*
Marshal of Aviation3,000 rubles$300
Colonel General2,200 rubles220
Lieutenant General1,900 rubles190
Major General1,600 rubles160
Colonel1,300 rubles130
Lieutenant Colonel1,100 rubles110
Major900 rubles90
Captain700 rubles70
Senior Lieutenant600 rubles60
Lieutenant500 rubles50
Junior Lieutenant400 rubles40
*Computed at the rate of 10 rubles to the dollar.

Monthly rates of pay for airmen and ncos
RankFirst Two YearsSubsequent Years
Private30$ 3.0050$ 5.00
Junior Sergeant606.0012012.00
Extra-term Service Volunteers:
RankPay of Rank or AppointmentBonus for Extended Voluntary Service
Junior Sergeant909.0040040.00
Senior Sergeant20020.0060060.00
Master Sergeant30030.0070070.00

Source: https://www.airforcemag.com/article/1059soviets/
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Good for you as a Russian and Tiong Porlumpas. Inflation will eat into your daily expenses deep deep. Congratulations because you asked for it.
Idiots like you worry about inflation while clever ppl like me put in place measures a long time ago to negate those effects.
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Russian sentenced to life in Ukraine's 1st war crimes trial​

May 24 06:05 am JST


KYIV, Ukraine

A captured Russian soldier who pleaded guilty to killing a civilian was sentenced by a Ukrainian court Monday to life in prison — the maximum — amid signs the Kremlin may, in turn, put on trial some of the fighters who surrendered at Mariupol’s steelworks.

Meanwhile, in a rare public expression of opposition to the war from the ranks of the Russian elite, a veteran Kremlin diplomat resigned and sent a scathing letter to foreign colleagues in which he said of the invasion, “Never have I been so ashamed of my country as on Feb. 24."

Also, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called for “maximum” sanctions against Russia in a video address to world leaders and executives at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

And on the battlefield, heavy fighting raged in the Donbas in the east, where Moscow's forces have stepped up their bombardment. Cities not under Russian control were constantly shelled, and one Ukrainian official said Russian forces targeted civilians trying to flee.

In the first of what could be a multitude of war crimes trials held by Ukraine, Russian Sgt. Vadim Shishimarin, 21, was sentenced for the killing of a 62-year-old man who was shot in the head in a village in the northeastern Sumy region in the opening days of the war.

Shishimarin, a member of a tank unit, had claimed he was following orders, and he apologized to the man's widow in court.

His Ukraine-appointed defense attorney, Victor Ovsyanikov, argued his client had been unprepared for the “violent military confrontation” and mass casualties that Russian troops encountered when they invaded. He said he would appeal.

Ukrainian civil liberties advocate Volodymyr Yavorskyy said it was “an extremely harsh sentence for one murder during the war.” But Aarif Abraham, a British-based human rights lawyer, said the trial was conducted “with what appears to be full and fair due process," including access to an attorney.

Ukrainian prosecutors are investigating thousands of potential war crimes. Russian forces in Mariupol bombed a theater where civilians were sheltering and struck a maternity hospital. In the wake of Moscow’s withdrawal from around Kyiv weeks ago, mass graves were discovered and streets were strewn with bodies in towns such as Bucha.

Before Shishimarin's sentencing, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow was unable to defend the soldier but will consider trying to do so “through other channels.”

Mary Ellen O’Connell, an expert on international law at the University of Notre Dame, said that putting Shishimarin on trial could prove “extremely detrimental to Ukrainian soldiers in the hands of Russia.” She said Russia may decide to hold “show trials” of Ukrainians to boost the morale of its own soldiers and spread disinformation.

“Maybe it would have happened without the Ukrainians beginning trials,” O’Connell said. “But the timing suggests that the Ukrainians should have held back and perhaps still should, so that the Russians can’t say, ‘We’re just doing to their soldiers what they did to ours.’”

Russian authorities have threatened to hold trials of captured Ukrainians — namely, fighters who held out at Mariupol’s shattered steel plant, the last stronghold of resistance in the strategic southern port city. They surrendered and were taken prisoner last week, at which point Moscow claimed the capture of Mariupol was complete.

Russia’s main investigative body said it intends to interrogate the Mariupol defenders to “identify the nationalists” and determine whether they were involved in crimes against civilians.

Russian authorities have seized upon the far-right origins of one of the regiments there, calling the Azov Regiment’s fighters “Nazis” and accusing their commander without evidence of “numerous atrocities." Russia’s top prosecutor has asked the country’s Supreme Court to designate the Azov Regiment a terrorist organization.

Family members of the fighters have pleaded for their eventual return to Ukraine as part of a prisoner swap.

Meanwhile, Boris Bondarev, a veteran Russian diplomat at the U.N. office at Geneva, quit and sent a letter denouncing the “aggressive war unleashed” by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Bondarev told The Associated Press: “It is intolerable what my government is doing now."

In his letter, Bondarev said those who conceived the war “want only one thing — to remain in power forever, live in pompous tasteless palaces, sail on yachts comparable in tonnage and cost to the entire Russian Navy, enjoying unlimited power and complete impunity.”

He also said Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs is all about "warmongering, lies and hatred.”

At the Davos forum, Zelenskyy said sanctions against the Kremlin must go further. He urged an embargo on Russian oil, a complete cutoff of trade and a withdrawal of foreign companies from the country.

“This is what sanctions should be: They should be maximum, so that Russia and every other potential aggressor that wants to wage a brutal war against its neighbor would clearly know the immediate consequences of their actions,” said Zelenskyy, who received a standing ovation.

On the battlefield, Russian forces increased their bombardment of the Donbas, the eastern industrial heartland of coal mines and factories that Russia is bent on capturing.

Donetsk's regional governor, Pavlo Kyrylenko, said three civilians died in Russian attacks there Monday and heavy fighting continued near the Luhansk region. The Donbas consists of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

He said the Russians were decimating cities in their attempt to take them over. Only about 320,000 people out of the region's prewar population of 1.6 million remain, and Russian forces are targeting evacuation efforts, he said.

“They are killing us. They are killing the locals during evacuation,” Kyrylenko said.

In the Luhansk region, U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said, local authorities reported that a bridge leading to the administrative center of Sievierodonetsk was destroyed, leaving the partially encircled city reachable by just one road.

Some who fled the Donetsk region shared their suffering.

“We haven’t been able to see the sun for three months. We are almost blind because we were in darkness for three months,” said Rayisa Rybalko, who hid with her family first in their basement and then in a bomb shelter at a school before fleeing their village of Novomykhailivka. “The world should have seen that.”

Her son-in-law Dmytro Khaliapin said heavy artillery pounded the village. “Houses are being ruined,” he said. “It’s a horror.”

Becatoros reported from Kramatorsk, Ukraine. Associated Press journalists Yuras Karmanau in Lviv, Andrea Rosa in Kharkiv, Danica Kirka in London and other AP staffers around the world contributed.


Idiots like you worry about inflation while clever ppl like me put in place measures a long time ago to negate those effects.
Good for you, but how true we don't know? Why don't you share with us here what are your "measures"? And if you insist that you are Super Rich, do let us have a glimpse of your account here. Talks are cheap. I wonder how the fuck can you negate from paying more unless you grow the raw materials yourself. Even if you are able to rear chickens in your HDB, you can't avoid the high cost of their feed. That's why I say you always talk cock to the maximum. I doubt you are that clever after all. Disney's portray of Goofy is renown for its stupidity.

With the banning of exports by Indonesia (palm oil), Malaysia (chickens), India (wheat and sugar), be prepared for more. Idiots like you will say we don't import wheat and sugar from India, but those countries that do, will now compete with Singapore from its traditional sources, thus bringing up prices eventually. It's a cascading effect.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Daily dose from Lordelrond:

Prosecutor to Biden: Did the US send the 40 Billion promised to Ukraine?

Biden: Arrr… errr… what is it mmmffffpppkkk… US pledged 40 Billion to Ukraine.

Prosecutor: So the 40 Billion was never sent to Ukraine? Because you do not have 40 Billion in the bank and China would not lend you the money? Do you agree with the statement?

Biden: ghgrrrmmmpphhh… Well as I said we pledged the 40 Billion to Ukraine and this is equivalent to actually sending the money to Ukraine… ghgrrrmmpgkghj…allow me to call in my special witness.

Amber Heard enters the room…


These ingrates would no sooner jump for joy soon after terrorists have been flushed out by the Russians. :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Quote from a wise man: I admit I’ve been wrong all these while. Ukraine is definitely winning this war and Russia is losing BADLY. All Russia has been able to do was to capture Mariupol, Popazna, Kherson, secured a land corridor to Crimea, control the region of Donbas the size of UK, whereas Ukraine won the Eurovision!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Bill submitted to Ukraine Parliament (aka Verkhovna Rada) to allow commanders to shoot on sight deserting soldiers.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The 2nd in command… Chief Advisor to the Jester of Ukraine. He considers himself the equivalent of Jesus. This picture is put up by himself on his official website.
  • Haha
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
So Ukraine said they were able to confirm the names of 2,336 dead Russians but “they knew the actual Russian casualties is 26,000”… how?