hmmmm....the above coming from someone who routinely bash all the religion of this world and call all religious people idiots.....?
seriously, if u were so liberal and accepting of diversity, u wouldn't have condemn religion and insult religious people; not that i am a religious person anyway, but at least i am sensitive enough not to behave like an asshole like u. Ur real agenda for posting the above is quite obvious actually lol hypocrisy hypocrisy! lol
and how old r u this year? from some the posting in this forum, i gather that u r not exactly young. i am easily half ur age, but not even half as childish as u r. i mean, who the fuck would create a thread just to get back at someone he had some kind of gayish bickering with!? I thought only kindergarden/ primary school kids do that!!??

heyy...start acting ur age man!
and oh, before u start that "u r a clone of some else" bullshit again, no i am not a clone of annyone.
i had to post this because i find you a very petty person and u have ego the size of the universe...hey, this thread says it all!
oh yea! have fun with ur online flamewar loser drifter lol
ain't gonna come back here to see ur silly comments because they are all oh so trivial and egoistic in nature. Get a life or something man, and spend less time on the internet ya?