The More You Do
Where do you get the time?
Someone came to my house today who receives MountainWings.
They said, "I really enjoy MountainWings but where do you get
the time to write it?"
They know that I run two businesses, President of one and
Executive V. P. of another. Both are substantial businesses and
substantial responsibilities.
I am also the pastor of a church.
I also have a family (that may be the more demanding job).
They wanted to know, "where did I get the time to write
There are two points that I want you to understand,
the first one I will explain today.
"The more you do, the more you can do."
There is an old adage that goes,
"If you want something done, give it to a busy person."
By normal logic this would seem backwards.
It would appear that if you want to get something done you
should give it to someone who has plenty of free time on their
hands, someone whose schedule is open, someone with little
responsibility and ample room for more.
That would be the normal logic.
The truth is the reverse.
If you want something done, give the job to someone who is
already doing a lot. Don't give it to someone who has a lot of
free time on their hands and is just doing enough to get by.
Let me give you some simple examples on a personal level.
Who do you find in educational classes that are beyond mandatory
or college?
Check that crowd, it will usually be those with a lot of
knowledge already.
Go to a gym in July.
Don't go at the beginning of the year, you'll mostly find the
New Year's resolution crowd that will be long gone in two
Who will you find that exercises the most and the hardest?
It will usually be those who are already in shape and
NEED the exercise the least. Those who exercise the most are
able to exercise even more. Those who are sedentary, get
softer and softer and are able to do less and less.
Go to a finance seminar. I'm not talking about a multi-level
marketing get rich quick seminar but a real honest financial
seminar on how to handle, invest and make more money. Who will
you find? Generally you will find those who are already
handling their money far better than average and have far more
than average.
There is a simple spiritual principle that reads,
"To those that have they shall get more added to them. To those
that don't have, even what they seem to have will be taken away
from them." Jesus said that, not me.
I didn't say it but I understand it.
I majored in chemistry.
It's called Markonikov's law in Chemistry.
The law is about hydrogen atoms and the carbon molecules that
the unattached hydrogen atoms move to. Markonikov's law states,
"them that has gits." The free hydrogen atoms go to the carbons
that already have the most hydrogen atoms.
The world puts it this way, "the rich get richer and the poor
get poorer." It's always been and will always be that way
whether you like it or not.
You may not think it's fair but it's the way it is and will be.
The thing is, it doesn't apply just to money.
It applies to anything.
Those who have an abundance of it already have a much greater
probability of getting more than someone who doesn't have any.
You name it: love, money, sex, health, peace, confidence,
spiritual enlightenment, etc., it applies. Anything
That also holds true for the negative things.
Those who are rich in negative things get even more negative
So why am I harping on that?
To simply tell you this. . . GET BUSY!!!
When you start doing more, more things will come to you.
If you only do what the average does, you will get what the
average gets. That makes sense doesn't it?
Remember, the average person never reaches the mountaintop
because you can't get to the mountaintop on average effort.
You have to get busy.