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We Told You So, Dude!
A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them.
Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!"
Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe."
Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my God!"
Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
(John 20:26-29)
Can you imagine the look on Thomas' face when Jesus suddenly appeared? Picture the other disciples nodding their heads as if to say, "We told you so, dude!" And though Jesus invited Thomas to touch him and be fully convinced he was real, there's no indication Thomas ever did so. Instead, Thomas believed and confessed Christ as his Lord and God (probably bowing before him). Betcha anything Thomas didn't miss church the next week.
So how can you experience the presence of God in your youth group and church--even when others don't?
Be there.
Show up at church faithfully. Make it your priority. There will always be something else you could be doing (homework, practice, TV, friends, work, etc.). But honor God with your faithfulness to him.
Be committed
Your brothers and sisters in Christ have something you need (and vice versa). Even if you feel you have little in common with them, concentrate on all that you share in Christ. Get involved in their lives.
Be expectant
When you hear God's Word taught, expect him to speak to you. As you worship, anticipate him filling the room along with your praises. Do this, and you'll experience the presence of the risen Christ.
If Thomas had stayed close to his spiritual family, he would have seen the risen Jesus with his own eyes. He wasn't there with the other disciples in the locked room. But that doesn't make him a life-long loser. It certainly doesn't mean he deserves to be "doubting Thomas" for eternity. He learned his lesson, so let's give him a break, okay?
Jesus is alive, friend. And he's there when those personally touched by him come together to honor him.
Hey, do you have a youth group? If so, do you believe you really need those teenagers at church? Are you faithful to that group? Or has your church filed a missing person's report on you?
Is church a safety net for you? A lifeline? Will you expect God to speak this week? Are you ready to conquer your doubts with Jesus' presence? Will you bow and say with Thomas, "My Lord and my God"?
A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them.
Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!"
Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe."
Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my God!"
Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
(John 20:26-29)
Can you imagine the look on Thomas' face when Jesus suddenly appeared? Picture the other disciples nodding their heads as if to say, "We told you so, dude!" And though Jesus invited Thomas to touch him and be fully convinced he was real, there's no indication Thomas ever did so. Instead, Thomas believed and confessed Christ as his Lord and God (probably bowing before him). Betcha anything Thomas didn't miss church the next week.
So how can you experience the presence of God in your youth group and church--even when others don't?
Be there.
Show up at church faithfully. Make it your priority. There will always be something else you could be doing (homework, practice, TV, friends, work, etc.). But honor God with your faithfulness to him.
Be committed
Your brothers and sisters in Christ have something you need (and vice versa). Even if you feel you have little in common with them, concentrate on all that you share in Christ. Get involved in their lives.
Be expectant
When you hear God's Word taught, expect him to speak to you. As you worship, anticipate him filling the room along with your praises. Do this, and you'll experience the presence of the risen Christ.
If Thomas had stayed close to his spiritual family, he would have seen the risen Jesus with his own eyes. He wasn't there with the other disciples in the locked room. But that doesn't make him a life-long loser. It certainly doesn't mean he deserves to be "doubting Thomas" for eternity. He learned his lesson, so let's give him a break, okay?
Jesus is alive, friend. And he's there when those personally touched by him come together to honor him.
Hey, do you have a youth group? If so, do you believe you really need those teenagers at church? Are you faithful to that group? Or has your church filed a missing person's report on you?
Is church a safety net for you? A lifeline? Will you expect God to speak this week? Are you ready to conquer your doubts with Jesus' presence? Will you bow and say with Thomas, "My Lord and my God"?