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Posted on 25 Apr 2010
Mosquitoes continue to breed at Jurong West despite pleas to clear stagnant puddles
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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Mosquitoes have been causing concern among Jurong West residents like STOMPer Swarni and little has been done despite her many pleas for stagnant water puddles in the area to be cleaned up.
Although the town council has told her numerous times that cleaning would be carried out, many stagnant puddles are still to be found in the area, she says.
Upset with the situation, Swarni says in an email:
"Since January 2010, I have written to West Coast Town Council (WCTC), PUB and NEA umpteen highlighting the mosquitoes issues in the Blk 517A Jurong West neighbourhood.
"Each time, without fail, West Coast Town Council will reply saying that they have "reminded our cleaning contractor to conduct proper cleaning work and remove any stagnant water from the drains".
"Losing patience, I decided to walk to the MSCP and saw many pools of stagnant water.
"I see a lot of drain covers are soldered together, preventing the cleaners from sweeping the leaves and soil out the drains.
"On 20th Apr, one of my neighbours had an accident and her blood dripped all over the void deck.
"To date, I can still see the blood stains at the void deck.
"Obviously the cleaner has not mopped the void deck for days.
"Maybe it is really time to change the contractors and the cleaner!"
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Mosquitoes continue to breed at Jurong West despite pleas to clear stagnant puddles
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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Mosquitoes have been causing concern among Jurong West residents like STOMPer Swarni and little has been done despite her many pleas for stagnant water puddles in the area to be cleaned up.
Although the town council has told her numerous times that cleaning would be carried out, many stagnant puddles are still to be found in the area, she says.
Upset with the situation, Swarni says in an email:
"Since January 2010, I have written to West Coast Town Council (WCTC), PUB and NEA umpteen highlighting the mosquitoes issues in the Blk 517A Jurong West neighbourhood.
"Each time, without fail, West Coast Town Council will reply saying that they have "reminded our cleaning contractor to conduct proper cleaning work and remove any stagnant water from the drains".
"Losing patience, I decided to walk to the MSCP and saw many pools of stagnant water.
"I see a lot of drain covers are soldered together, preventing the cleaners from sweeping the leaves and soil out the drains.
"On 20th Apr, one of my neighbours had an accident and her blood dripped all over the void deck.
"To date, I can still see the blood stains at the void deck.
"Obviously the cleaner has not mopped the void deck for days.
"Maybe it is really time to change the contractors and the cleaner!"
Click on thumbnails for larger image