Posted on 17 Jul 2010
Fancy a dip at Tanjong Katong and other eastern parts of S'pore?
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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Flood waters because of the heavy downpour this morning (Jul 17) rose to knee-level at Crescent Road, near Old Airport Road. STOMPer
Ting Joe Li Yah tried to wake the neighbours to move their cars.
Other STOMPers have also reported flooding in Tanjong Katong, Sims Avenue, Kallang, and Bedok.
Other STOMPers have also reported flooding in the eastern parts of Singapore.
Ting Joe Li Yah's email:
"I was jolted awake on this morning at 7.20am by my mother. She was amused by the fact that we have a first time and firsthand experience of a flood, literally right at our doorstep.
"This saves us the trouble of heading down to Orchard Road.
"The torrent that started in the morning has resulted in a flood along Crescent Road. The flood was rather high and reached around my knee level. Since it was the first such encounter we had, my family waded out and took a stroll along Crescent Road.
"We tried successfully and also unsuccessfully to rouse some neighbours to get them to move their cars since the water level had reached an almost engine-stalling height.
"Most cars were salvaged before any further damage could be made.
"There was a lower lying house whose residents tried to build some form of barricade to prevent the flood water from getting into their living room. This certainly made my Saturday an unforgettable one.
"However, this questions the management and system of the drainage in Singapore. We can blame it on the eccentric weather phenomenon and global warming, or that some particular canals are clogged up again or also take a step back to say that when humans pit themselves against nature, nature will still prevail.
"In short, there is nothing much anyone can do. Also, this familiar phrase, 'I don’t think it is possible in Singapore to expect the place to be completely free of floods, as heavy downpours are very much part of the climate for an island in the tropics' and 'cost a lot of money and it is not worth it.'
"Yes, I know that though such floods are very rare and the flood did subside in a reasonable amount of time.
"In the case for Crescent Road, cars were salvaged and damaged minimised due to the timely 'morning call' given and cohesiveness between neighbours.
"But I am a Singaporean with high expectations and so I ask, 'Are there any measures that the relevant authorities can implement to improve the situation?'"
Read more flood reports from STOMPers in the east on the next page >>
Kakeelang reported flooding in the nearby Tanjong Katong area:
"Another so called 'Ochard River' appear again at Katong area which caused a massive jam. This has caused so much chaos on the island recently.
"Where is the next area that might be struck by this kind of natural disaster again?"
Eric Yeo wrote in about flooding at the Kallang Canal this morning:
Kallang canal, next to the SMRT depot and the CTE became a water choked river since 6am this morning.
"Having lived here since 1986 this must be the most serious flooding in these parts recently.
"As I write this, the canal continues to flood, and the nearby bus and trailer park is being overwhelmed.
"Parts of the SMRT depot and the Construction Developement Institute were also flooded.
Read more flood reports from Bedok and Sims Avenue on the next page >>
Beckii said that residents of Bedok Garden woke up to a 'sea of Milo bing':
"Residents of Bedok Garden at Bedok Road were in for a rude shock this morning at 6am.
"Another case of bizarre flash flooding - nothing like waking up to a sea of Milo bing to kick start your Saturday."
Princess C reported some flooding along Sims Avenue this morning as well.
This is not the first time heavy rain has left the CISCO Centre basement carpark flooded.
This time, the water was up to three metres high, says a STOMPer.
Denise says:
"Flash flood at CISCO Centre basement carpark .
"No upgrading was done to rectify the problem. It happened several times already.
"Some vehicles were stranded in the flood water.
"The water was approximately three metres high.
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Keywords: flood