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Iswaran sentence …


Iswaran check in Changi hotel on Oct 7 which means he will stay in Changi hotel during the festive seasons below:
New Year
Chinese New Year:

He is expected to check out from Changi hotel after chinese new year with good behaviour and some discount.

Upon check out, he will serve home detention

during changhi hotel stay, the weather is expected to be cool due to December rainy season

Dear 学霸 bro @NanoSpeed , the above ok ?
count until zhunzhun for iswaran. lol


Iswaran check in Changi hotel on Oct 7 which means he will stay in Changi hotel during the festive seasons below:
New Year
Chinese New Year:

He is expected to check out from Changi hotel after chinese new year with good behaviour and some discount.

Upon check out, he will serve home detention

during changhi hotel stay, the weather is expected to be cool due to December rainy season

Dear 学霸 bro @NanoSpeed , the above ok ?

I do not aspire to be 学霸, I prefer to be 整蛊之霸。

It's already a victory for Iswaran that he was spared the blushes as accused on the witness stand for corruption charges.

Whatever happens @ Changi chalet is no longer relevant (to him) other than accidentally picking up a soap in the toilet.



A breakdown of Iswaran’s one-year jail sentence
Iswaran is given a jail term of one year, but what are the sentences for his five individual charges?
  • For obtaining 10 Green Room tickets to the 2017 Singapore F1 Grand Prix: Six months’ jail.
  • For the flight to Doha on Mr Ong’s private plane, one night’s stay in Four Seasons Hotel Doha and a business class return flight to Singapore: Three months and three weeks’ jail.
  • For obstructing justice by paying $5,700 to Singapore GP to cover the cost of his business class flight ticket: Four months’ jail.
  • For obtaining 14 bottles of whiskey and wine from Mr Lum: Two months’ jail.
  • For obtaining a Brompton T Line bicycle from Mr Lum: Three months’ jail.
The sentences for the acceptance of the Green Room tickets, the 14 bottles of liquor and obstructing justice will run consecutively, amounting to 12 months.
The remaining sentences will run concurrently.


Fact - The deputy AGC prosex-cution Tai Wei Shyong is a former underling of Iswaran when he was 2nd Min of Home Affairs until 2015. How to prosex-cute without prejudice??? GNNBCCB! You all 69.69% deserve this screwing.


So the judge bohiu Bayi. Bayi asked for not more than 8 weeks. Judge gave him 54 weeks ?

Go People's Park also no difference, right ?

It's a big time failure for Bayi.

Can't you guys see that it's all one big wayang? The trial judge deliberately gave a harsher sentence than what the Prosecution proposed. This is indirectly signalling to bahyi to appeal. During the appeal, the court will allow the appeal and slash the sentence to 7-8 months as proposed by the Prosecution. Like this, it'll look good for everyone and gives the appearance that justice is done and the appeal court is also sympathetic at the same time. And bahyi is still the best lawyer in town. Win win situation for everyone.


You need to contact Simonboy or Graceson Ang for tips and tricks about how to survive squatting inside.
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Scape goat lah…if go to trial sure expose many other PAP ministers.

The 12 months in Changi Hilton for him will be the presidential suite for this PG deal