what I mean is ... "No, I don't think", ... not "No, it is not a low class job"
Anyone can be a security guard but not a taxi driver.
Also maid and security guard are far lower paid than a average 8 hours / 5-6 days per wk of taxi driving - that is why I categorised Taxi Driver as best job in the world for post retirement.
Not a low class job. Still can earn few k if work hard.
That's the sinkie in you talking....
Wtf is best job post retirement? Retire means no need work anymore.
Brainwashed indoctrinated minds created by pap.
i can't stop laughing...after reading all your comments, most impt. is know when to upgrade for me.
it is the number one go to occupation for washed up people in singapore,be it u are ex millitary or pmet or phd scientist or ex mediacock artiste.
also the highest proportion of the most delusional people in the world.
being a taxi driver is a dirty sin,which is why taxi driver beats prostitudes in terms of number of "confessions" blogs on the internet.
As long as one don't steal, don't rob, dont cheat, don't sell drugs, don't hurt anyone it's not low class
Is Boss Sam high or mid or low class ?
Lets focus on taxi career please
Is Boss Sam high or mid or low class ?
boss sam is elite class, on par with pap ministars.
It's a low class job performed by even lower class people.
MSM said $7k....you believe?
Elite class will not talk to low class taxi driver le . A special class not sure what is that.