To everyone who’s been caught up in her ridiculous antics, it’s time to face the truth. This deranged attention-seeking parasite isn’t worth another second of your energy.
She’s not here for genuine conversation or debate, she’s here to create chaos and wallow in the attention, no matter how pathetic or humiliating it might be.
Her tactics are beyond predictable. She quotes herself when no one responds, indulging in monologues that scream desperation.
She tags random users in a pathetic bid for relevance, accusing them of nonsense they never said or did, just to bait someone, anyone, into reacting.
It’s the behavior of a lunatic who thrives on being the center of a circus, no matter how much of a fool she makes herself look.
And let’s not pretend she doesn’t know exactly what she’s doing. She’s a professional victim, creating drama out of thin air to keep people engaged. The more you respond, the more she feeds on it, turning this forum into her personal asylum.
She isn’t just mentally unsound, she’s a master manipulator, dragging everyone down to her level.
So, why are you still playing her game?
Every response, every clap back, every attempt to “put her in her place” is just giving her what she craves.
Ignore her.
Let her rant into the void like the irrelevant noise she is. The best insult you can give her is total indifference.
Let her be the fool she is, alone.
many thanks for
all your well-written posts in this
excellent thread started by
our dearest @Leongsam!

I've read
all of them, and I must say that not only do
I agree with all your points (except
one, which I'll explain later in my post), but I'm also
very impressed by
your excellent English! 
To be more precise, I consider your English to be
significantly better than the English of
our dearest @Leongsam and even
my dearest @eatshitndie-sama!
As for
my own English, I only
dare to say that it's
better than @ginfreely's English!
Anyway, the point that
I strongly disagree with is the one about
ignoring her completely, which implies
no longer posting
absolutely anything related to
@ginfreely and/or Madam Gan:
simply because if, one fine day, I happen to discover a
photo (or even a video!

) of a
middle-aged Chinese Sinkie woman that
I strongly suspect (i.e. at least
69% sure) to be
Madam Gan, AND if nobody has started a
thread about it (especially if her photo happens to be part of a
Sinkie mainstream media article, such as a
Straits Times article! 
), then I'm afraid that
I'll most probably fail to
resist the temptation to start it, especially since
@sbfuncle also said:
She is banned in the coffee shop section.
Wow this is great news.
This will mean that I can continue to
warn the public about this jurong east mad bitch and she can only spew her lies in the other section
But I will try to expose her lies in the main forum whenever I can.
so I think it should be
safe to say that I'll
probably have the moral support of
at least @sbfuncle, right?
I'm aware that
three of my anti- @ginfreely threads have been
moved to:
and I'm prepared for such a
new thread (if I ever start it) to
also be moved to the above sub-forum; but
I won't mind it,
as long as at least one anti- @ginfreely member (preferably
@sbfuncle and/or my dearest
morally supports that thread's existence!
Furthermore, I think there's at least
a small chance (let's say, at least
0.69% or even
) that
Madam Gan herself will
eventually post a photo of
her own real-life face on
her Facebook page, simply because:
countless other Facebook users have been posting photos of themselves (excluding those that are fake, which are probably in the very small minority, in my opinion), so it would
not be very surprising if
Madam Gan also does it, especially since she's
already willing to reveal her
real-life full name and even the
name of the
condominium that she's living in, right?
2. Madam Gan and/or
@ginfreely herself has
said many times before that she used to post photos of
her face on her Facebook page in the past:[users]=ginfreely&o=date[users]=ginfreely&o=date
For example:
I posted so many show my big face photos in my Facebook back then in 2015
if after tomorrow (i.e. 11 January 2025, Saturday),
@ginfreely really refrains from posting
even once for at least
6.9 days:
@Leongsam don’t repent and
reinstate me to the main forum by
11 January 2025, I will
leave this forum and when I say leave I mean leave and
NEVER return in any clone if
not I
die a violent death.
then I'll
probably be more encouraged to
resume posting more often (and I mean posting posts that are
not related to
@ginfreely and/or Madam Gan), but probably
not everyday because
I'm busy with other things!
But if 6.9 weeks after tomorrow, we still
don't see any new post from her, while she
still continues posting on her Facebook page, then
I would be very surprised/confused, simply because she obviously receives
much less attention on Facebook, right?