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Is Food Panda's delivery bag and driver halal?


The food is supposed to be sealed....and should not leak into the bag n allow for cross contamination. Therefore the bag should be just a bag. If that is still an issue, than mudslimes should not take bus or MRT or taxi or grab n should not go to supermarket or wet market etc as all pork r within the same building or shop or whatever...at least in the past I used to have respect for Indon mudslimes. Indon maids have no issue cooking pork etc. They just don't eat. In indonland. They work at bah kut teh stalls n other non Hal establishments etc. They go Chinese restaurants n eat but don't order pork etc. Whereas in singkieland they r soo pious outwards but when rape n pillage n plunder n be racist n discriminate against other religions...it is ok....they treat n abuse others it is supported by their religious text. These mudslimes should all just fuck off to their own planet. Than everything is hunky dory...n the rest of the world no need to put up with their hypocrisy


vans may be used for khalwat with kawan, either homo or hetero. kunt juice everywhere in van if they don't sanitize it. slurp!
I know it's popular past time for m&ds to go park tor using company van to go to the beach for bed activities...the food will be contaminated the next day when placed in the van...good point


Alfrescian (Inf)
filthy people like you should have their citizenship revoked and deported to china.

I am talking about the natural things that are in our nature reserves, we have wild boars, deers, monkeys etc...wild boars are natural & back then when we have villages, there are plenty of them.

Nuts like you, should be restricted to Buangkok Medical Park..


Then how....

a) separate bags for non beef items for hindus
b) separate bags for non meat items for vegetarians
c) separate bags for non everything for vegans
d) separate bags for non peanut for those with peanut allergy


Alfrescian (Inf)
Then how....

a) separate bags for non beef items for hindus
b) separate bags for non meat items for vegetarians
c) separate bags for non everything for vegans
d) separate bags for non peanut for those with peanut allergy
e) separate bag for barfing after sniffing food that has gone bad.


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Separate transport vehicles, must be certified HALAL from MUIS, & certified HALAL rider...the road the travel in must be certified HALAL too...then, when will this end?
The roads have to separate too, otherwise got cross contamination :biggrin:


Better still....

a) halah drivers for halah food
b) vegetarian drivers for vegetarian food
c) vegan drivers for vegan food
d) Hindu drivers for hindi food