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Is Food Panda's delivery bag and driver halal?


Old Fart
The other day I had lunch at a coffee shop. I ordered bak chor mee, and sat at the same shared table with a group of three m&ds. It was in the smoking section with limited tables. I enjoyed my piping hot pork infused lunch. I know they can smell my tasty porky lunch but they did not mind. I half suspect they were salivating at my lunch.


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
The other day I had lunch at a coffee shop. I ordered bak chor mee, and sat at the same shared table with a group of three m&ds. It was in the smoking section with limited tables. I enjoyed my piping hot pork infused lunch. I know they can smell my tasty porky lunch but they did not mind. I half suspect they were salivating at my lunch.
My m&d best friend in KL brings me go whisky bar and shiok shiok with me also no problem! Can one lah.. in UK studying days, he even kept a Goldie retriever when we stayed together...Lol :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
The other day I had lunch at a coffee shop. I ordered bak chor mee, and sat at the same shared table with a group of three m&ds. It was in the smoking section with limited tables. I enjoyed my piping hot pork infused lunch. I know they can smell my tasty porky lunch but they did not mind. I half suspect they were salivating at my lunch.

See. Muslims are tolerant. We makan and share table with pork loving people too even though we try avoiding pork. No problem with the smell.:smile: Bloody old man lied and said Mats ate separate table with non Mat/Muslims.


Old Fart
My m&d best friend in KL brings me go whisky bar and shiok shiok with me also no problem! Can one lah.. in UK studying days, he even kept a Goldie retriever when we stayed together...Lol :biggrin:
Exactly. That's why I always say religious books are only "persuasive" and not mandatory to follow. It's only the screwed up radicals that make a mountain out of a mole hill and blow up everything (figuratively and literally!) :laugh:


Old Fart
See. Muslims are tolerant. We makan and share table with pork loving people too even though we try avoiding pork. No problem with the smell.:smile: Bloody old man lied and said Mats ate separate table with non Mat/Muslims.
They like to create racial divide so they can conquer the whole population. Also, smoking is a great race unifying pass time! Smokers of all races share table! :thumbsup::biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Exactly. That's why I always say religious books are only "persuasive" and not mandatory to follow. It's only the screwed up radicals that make a mountain out of a mole hill and blow up everything (figuratively and literally!) :laugh:

Islam is a very simple religion. It isnt tat difficult to follow. Basically is between u and Allah. Adopt the middle path. Cos we are not prophets/angels.


Old Fart
Islam is a very simple religion. It isnt tat difficult to follow. Basically is between u and Allah. Adopt the middle path. Cos we are not prophets/angels.
That's right. In life, everything in moderation. Except sex, it is too shiok to have in moderation.


Old Fart
This is true. It's easier to strike a conversation with smokers than non smokers :biggrin:
Yes, I shared a table with a pipe smoking gent. We spoke about the difference between cigarette and pipe tobacco, type of pipes we like, etc etc. When he left (his wife had completed her shopping), he said he hopes to bump into me again next time. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Islam is a very simple religion. It isnt tat difficult to follow. Basically is between u and Allah. Adopt the middle path. Cos we are not prophets/angels.
fair enough - it's a fact that when shit hits the fan, even pork is ok for sustenance in times of war or famine.
what can be practiced during turbulent times can also be practiced during peacetime - it's just the circumstances and the conscience of one in the eyes of others, that is the crux of the issue here - as many of us have mozzie pals that are not that abiding, but they are still mozzies - adopting and adapting to the circumstances :cautious:
That's right. In life, everything in moderation. Except sex, it is too shiok to have in moderation.
all together now, sio-kan ah!!! :whistling: