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Inconsiderate auntie walked her dogs at Muslim mosque





ISTANBUL, Turkey – Every evening before closing, Hoyat Büfe owner Ceger Aydogan places a pile of chicken kebabs and sausages in an aluminum tray and waits for Nazli and Arap to come eat such a feast. At 8 p.m. they show up and devour the offerings. It’s been this way for the past three years.

Nazli, a large black and brown female stray, and Arap, grey and brown like a wolf, wag their tails and are more than satisfied. These strays live on Mesrutiyet Street in front of the British Embassy, and are among an estimated 150,000 others stray dogs who live all around Istanbul.

“They are from street,” Aydogan said. “Everyone

Most practicing Muslims do not keep dogs as pets because they are generally considered unclean. Also, Muslims – who make up 99 percent of the population in Turkey – believe that angels will not visit a home that contains a dog. And finally, according to Sunni tradition – which accounts for 85 percent of the Muslim world – the prophet Muhammad reportedly did not like dogs, so people of that culture generally stay away from taking them in as pets.



ISTANBUL, Turkey – Every evening before closing, Hoyat Büfe owner Ceger Aydogan places a pile of chicken kebabs and sausages in an aluminum tray and waits for Nazli and Arap to come eat such a feast. At 8 p.m. they show up and devour the offerings. It’s been this way for the past three years.

Nazli, a large black and brown female stray, and Arap, grey and brown like a wolf, wag their tails and are more than satisfied. These strays live on Mesrutiyet Street in front of the British Embassy, and are among an estimated 150,000 others stray dogs who live all around Istanbul.

“They are from street,” Aydogan said. “Everyone

Most practicing Muslims do not keep dogs as pets because they are generally considered unclean. Also, Muslims – who make up 99 percent of the population in Turkey – believe that angels will not visit a home that contains a dog. And finally, according to Sunni tradition – which accounts for 85 percent of the Muslim world – the prophet Muhammad reportedly did not like dogs, so people of that culture generally stay away from taking them in as pets.

In spore, Malay/Muslims are poor. Cant afford to have dogs as pets. Cant get loan for buying dogs. Furthermore Muslims do not kip dogs in their home. But they can rear one as hunting/guard dog. Jaga the kebun which Spore has none.
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In spore, Malay/Muslims are poor. Cant afford to have dogs as pets. Cant get loan for buying dogs. Furthermore Muslims do not kip dogs in their home. But they can rear one as guide dog. Jaga the kebun which Spore has none.
They need to angkah their Arab Bosses



99% of Turks are Muslims. No problem with dogs on public transport. When I was flying from Izmir to Nevsehir, 2 Turkish women brought their pet dogs aboard the plane in small cages - no one complained.

Malayisan and Sg Muslims are far behind the curve.



99% of Turks are Muslims. No problem with dogs on public transport. When I was flying from Izmir to Nevsehir, 2 Turkish women brought their pet dogs aboard the plane in small cages - no one complained.

Malayisan and Sg Muslims are far behind the curve.
Turkey is an empire builder
Jiuhu is only lunch stealer..how to kompear?


Turkey is an empire builder
Jiuhu is only lunch stealer..how to kompear?
One Turkish guide told me she once took a group of M'sian tourists and this Malay woman was accidentally touched by a stray dog. She insisted that the guide take her to a mosque right away to do her ablutions. The guide was like: wtf... you think it's dirty just wash your hands... go to mosque for what?


One Turkish guide told me she once took a group of M'sian tourists and this Malay woman was accidentally touched by a stray dog. She insisted that the guide take to a mosque right away to do her ablutions. The guide was like: wtf... you think it's dirty just wash your hands... go to mosque for what?
Jiuhu quality is u know , i know lah


After realising their Arab Master Huat La Huat La Oil Trade is nunbered....they suddenly leemember Princess Hang LiPoh recently.

And start angkah Tiongkok again
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