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Inconsiderate auntie walked her dogs at Muslim mosque


In spore, Malay/Muslims are poor. Cant afford to have dogs as pets. Cant get loan for buying dogs. Furthermore Muslims do not kip dogs in their home. But they can rear one as hunting/guard dog. Jaga the kebun which Spore has none.
Buy dog ish a investment
Good puppy can ask for $5-8k..can flip a litter of puppies for 15-20k
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syed putra


99% of Turks are Muslims. No problem with dogs on public transport. When I was flying from Izmir to Nevsehir, 2 Turkish women brought their pet dogs aboard the plane in small cages - no one complained.

Malayisan and Sg Muslims are far behind the curve.
Malays are mostly Schizophrenic and delusional paranoia. Too shackled and worried about going out of bounds.

Vlad Tepes

The dogs I expect to see are those who frequent the 4 walls in the backdrop. Those are 2nd tier bipedal dogs whom their even OG Arabs have distain against them.


Why Muslims everything also cannot?
The desire to hv power to control a group using religion. In this modern era, the highly educated ones can still get bounded by behavioural rules, rules that restrict your freedom or right but are not heinous in nature.