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Inconsiderate auntie walked her dogs at Muslim mosque

Vlad Tepes

Why Muslims everything also cannot?
Actually, only Malay Muslims will detest and shun dogs. Arab and Turkish Muslims have no issues. The former is considered 2nd tier Pork Adverse. No warrior nor conquering spirits. The only saving grace is the Sambal Belacan Chilli. Even Indonsians cook better than them on avg.


Actually, only Malay Muslims will detest and shun dogs. Arab and Turkish Muslims have no issues. The former is considered 2nd tier Pork Adverse. No warrior nor conquering spirits. The only saving grace is the Sambal Belacan Chilli. Even Indonsians cook better than them on avg.
Agree, Indonesians cook better. They have many distinctive cuisines: Betawi, Padang, Ambeng, Manado, Bali, Madura... The Malays only have their nasi lemak.