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A Biblical Worldview (Part 7)

The final question we will look at is “What is the purpose for my life?” Let’s see how Scripture answers this question.

What Is the Purpose for My Life?

Why are we here on planet earth? Is there a real purpose for our existence? As we seek to answer the question about our purpose in life, note these truths:

➢ God created us for His own pleasure. He brought us into existence because it pleased Him to do so (Rev. 4:11).

➢ Every life God has brought into existence is here for a reason. We are here to bring God glory (Is. 43:7).

➢ Only when we are fulfilling the purpose for which we were created will we have true satisfaction and joy (Ps. 16:11). God’s Divine Plan for Each One of Us God did not have to create us. God does not “need” anything or anyone. We were created because God desired to bring us into existence. He finds pleasure in us, His creation. We are here now for the purpose of bringing Him glory. All of the talents, abilities, skills (etc.) we have are to serve as a means of showing how great our God truly is. As we live focused on this purpose, things become clearer as to how our lives can be used for His glory. God has given us His Word to reveal to us what exactly brings Him glory, and even to guide us as He unfolds the way He desires to use us for His glory throughout the course of our lives (Col. 1:9-11). The Impact of Our Purpose within Our Worldview Our view of the world should be one that realizes the reason we exist is for God’s purpose, not ours. There are many people who live for the “pursuit of happiness” only to find disappointment and emptiness. Enjoying life is great, but the joy can only come when we are bringing glory to our Creator, just as He intended us to (Ps. 86:12; I Cor. 10:31)!


A Biblical Worldview (Part 7)

The final question we will look at is “What is the purpose for my life?” Let’s see how Scripture answers this question.

What Is the Purpose for My Life?

Why are we here on planet earth? Is there a real purpose for our existence? As we seek to answer the question about our purpose in life, note these truths:

➢ God created us for His own pleasure. He brought us into existence because it pleased Him to do so (Rev. 4:11).

➢ Every life God has brought into existence is here for a reason. We are here to bring God glory (Is. 43:7).

➢ Only when we are fulfilling the purpose for which we were created will we have true satisfaction and joy (Ps. 16:11).

God’s Divine Plan for Each One of Us

God did not have to create us. God does not “need” anything or anyone. We were created because God desired to bring us into existence. He finds pleasure in us, His creation. We are here now for the purpose of bringing Him glory. All of the talents, abilities, skills (etc.) we have are to serve as a means of showing how great our God truly is. As we live focused on this purpose, things become clearer as to how our lives can be used for His glory. God has given us His Word to reveal to us what exactly brings Him glory, and even to guide us as He unfolds the way He desires to use us for His glory throughout the course of our lives (Col. 1:9-11).

The Impact of Our Purpose within Our Worldview

Our view of the world should be one that realizes the reason we exist is for God’s purpose, not ours. There are many people who live for the “pursuit of happiness” only to find disappointment and emptiness. Enjoying life is great, but the joy can only come when we are bringing glory to our Creator, just as He intended us to (Ps. 86:12; I Cor. 10:31)!


A Biblical Worldview (Conclusion)

Through this study we have searched the Scriptures to answer seven main questions that affect how we approach life. In so doing, we have gained a better understanding of how to view our world from a biblical perspective.

The Importance of a Biblical Worldview

In our “Intro” lesson, we stated a worldview is “everything we believe and understand about life and the world around us which impacts how we act and think.” The impact from a biblical worldview can be seen in many ways:

➢ A correct view of God allows us to understand Him for who He is and to find the foundation for our life in Him and in His Word.

➢ A correct view of ourselves and the people around us helps us to realize that we are all here by God’s design and that we have specific responsibilities to meet as we live among each other.

➢ A correct view of what we see happening in the world around us gives us a confidence in the almighty hand of God in world affairs, and a desire to allow Him to use our lives for His purposes.

Approaching Life God’s Way

God has not created us to search out and discover the meaning of life on our own. He has already given us the answers to the deep questions of life. It is within this biblical worldview that we can not only understand, but also live out the reason for our existence. Seeing what God has to say about life allows us to approach each new day with a determined focus. No matter what situations or challenges each new day may bring, our focus can be one in which we are looking at life God’s way, and praising Him for the great opportunity and joy that comes with living the life He has given to us (John 15:11; 17:13)!


Dealing with Doubt (Part 1)

At moments we can feel strong in our faith and confident in our beliefs. Yet, at other moments, we can find ourselves questioning or second guessing everything we believe. Sometimes it only takes a comment by a teacher or a conversation with a classmate, and doubt creeps in. Let’s take a look at doubt and see how to handle it.

Understanding Doubt

What is doubt? To answer this, first understand that there are two different kinds of doubt. Look up the verses below and then describe what kind of doubt you see described:

 John 12:37 - Unwillingness to believe even in face of overwhelming evidence. A hard hearted refusal to believe.

 Mark 9:23-24 - “Shaky” faith, wanting to believe but having trouble with doubts or unanswered question we may have.

 Describe the differences you see between the two: The first hardens us to the things of God and is a long-term rejection. The second causes us to search more deeply and is often temporary.

What to Do with Doubt

At times, trusting what God tells us is not always easy. The big question is what we will do with our doubt. Will we allow doubt to turn us away from God, or allow it to cause us to search out the things of God more deeply? Notice how doubt was handled in the following passages.

 How did Abraham respond to God in Genesis 17:15-23? He laughed at what God said. Then after thinking it through, he listened to God and did what God asked of him.

 What did John the Baptist do when he had some doubt (Matt. 11:2-3)? When he had questions, he sent people to talk to Jesus. He searched for answers to the questions he had. Notice that even these godly people had doubts. Having questions does not make a person bad. If we will take our questions to the Lord, He will give us the answers we look for!


Dealing with Doubt (Part 2)

In our previous lesson, we saw that many times doubt is a result of legitimate questions we may have concerning our faith. Today, let’s look at how God responds to our doubt. Does God get angry with us? Or is it possible that God could use our doubt for good?

How God Looks at Those Who Have Doubts

Read the story of Thomas in John 20:24-28, and then answer the following questions:

 Describe the doubt that Thomas had: Thomas questioned whether Jesus had really raised from the dead.

 How did Jesus respond to his doubt? He was not upset or angry, rather He showed kindness and patience.

 How do you believe Jesus viewed Thomas’ doubt? He understood that Thomas had a legitimate question, and that Thomas truly wanted to believe. God does not get angry with our doubt. He does, however, desire to give us answers so we can be stronger in our faith.

Can Doubt Be a Good Thing?

When we think about doubts, we often think of the confusion and uncertainty that they bring. However, Scriptures says that God can take our questions and turn them into something good. Read James 1:5-6 and then consider these questions:

 What is the negative side of doubting? There is confusion; you are pulled in every direction; you are unstable.

 What is the positive side of doubting? God is willing to give us wisdom; He will give us the answers we are looking for.

 How can doubting be a good thing? It can cause us to think through issues and come to conclusions, which give us confidence and a stronger faith. When doubt creeps in, we must be willing to search for the truth. As God reveals the answers to us, we can find confidence in His truth and our faith will be made stronger.


Dealing with Doubt (Part 3)

As we conclude our study, let us look at how we can overcome any doubts we may have, and help those around us who may be struggling with doubt as well.

Tackling Our Own Doubts

First, remember what we have already discussed:

 God knows your questions, so be honest about them.

 Having questions does not make you a bad person.

 God is patient with you and wants to help. With these in mind, here are some other suggestions:

 Go to God in prayer and study His Word (James 1:5; John 20:27, 31; I John 5:13; Col 1:9). Look for the answers He has already given. Focus on what you do understand (what God has or is teaching you) rather than on what you do not understand.

 Rely on facts, not feelings (ex. Ps. 19:1; Job 23:10). Trust the facts and what God says is true. Do not allow emotions to confuse the truth.

 Surround yourself with Christian people who can encourage you. Talk to them, ask them questions, and learn from what God has shown them.

Helping Those around Us Who Have Doubts

God may desire to use us to help someone who is struggling in an area of doubt. Keep these things in mind:

 Be merciful to those who doubt (Jude 22).

 Accept them where they are (Rom. 14:1).  Help in a spirit of patience (I Thess. 5:14).

 Teach them what God has taught you (II Cor. 1:4). In many ways, the Christian life is a journey in which our faith grows stronger every day. May we seek after the truth, cling to the answers God gives, and develop a faith by which we can confidently and boldly live our lives for Jesus Christ


Fear (Part 1)

The Issue: Everyone seems to wrestle with some sort of fear. In this series, we will look at a number of these fears and see what Scripture says is the key to overcoming them. Let’s begin with the fear that often comes with the uncertainties of the future. With all of the big decisions that need to be made in life, along with preparing for college and a career, the many unanswered questions about the future can seem quite scary.

What does the Bible say?

Even David had a fear of the future. When his popularity grew in Israel and he was anointed to be the next king, Saul became very jealous and tried to kill him. Note what these verses show about David’s fear:

 I Sam. 21:10-12 – David fled from Saul and was even afraid that other people (such as Achish) would turn him in.

 I Sam. 22:1; 23:14-15 – Because of his fear, he hid from Saul in a cave, as well as in the mountains and in a forest. Psalm 34 is David’s response to the situation in which he found himself. Notice how David was able to come to grips with his fear:

 Ps. 34:4 – He sought the Lord, openly telling Him of his fears.

 Ps. 34:8 – He had confidence and peace in God’s goodness.  Ps. 34:17, 19 – He knew God was aware and in control.

What should I do?

We have an all-powerful God who cares for us. We can give all of our concerns about the future over to Him, allowing Him to do with them as He wills. When we trust Him, we can move forward with confidence, instead of fear (note Matt. 6:25-34)


Fear (Part 2)

The Issue: This week we will look at the fear of failure. This fear often keeps us from doing all that God has called and enabled us to do. There are many things in life we are asked to do, need to do, or desire to do, but never do because of fear.

What does the Bible say?

Moses even struggled with the fear of failure. Note the excuses He gave for why he felt he would fail, along with the responses God gave him for each excuse:

 Ex. 3:11-12 – He felt he was the wrong man for the job, but God said there was no need to worry for He would be with him.

 Ex. 4:1-9 – He felt people would not listen to him, but God said He would show the people that He was at work in their midst.

 Ex. 4:10-11 – He did not think he was a good speaker, but God pointed out that He created him just as He wanted him to be. Also, notice what these verses add to this topic:

 James 3:2 – No one is perfect, the truth is we all fail at times.

 Prov. 24:16 – Failure should not stop us, we should try again.

What should I do?

Has God given you the ability or desire to do certain things that you do not do because of the fear of failure? No one is perfect, so we must remember that failure is something that is experienced by everyone. We must not be afraid of failure. When this fear holds us back, we are not even giving God the chance to do something great through us that He may desire to do. What can you do to show a confidence in God, rather than a fear of failure.


Fear (Part 3)

The Issue: Every new day seems to be filled with stories of bad things that have happened around the world. From earthquakes to airplane crashes, stories of death seem all too common. Some people have come to grips with the fact that death is a part of life, yet some people become terrified with thoughts about when and how they will die. How can we tackle this fear and find comfort amidst all the stories?

What does the Bible say?

See what these verses say about how we should handle the fear of death:

 Psalm 23:4 – We do not need to fear because God is with us and brings us comfort.

 Psalm 46:1-2 – God is our refuge and strength when we are in fearful situations; He gives us comfort and confidence.

 II Chron. 20:9 – We can cry out to God with our fear, knowing that He has the power to hear and save us. Read these powerful verses and note where the ultimate victory over the fear of death is:

 I Cor. 15:26, 55-57 – All death will come to an end someday; the victory over it is in Jesus Christ, so we don’t need to have fear.

What should I do?

Thoughts of death can be scary. But we must realize that God is in control and that death is just the beginning of the eternity we will enjoy with God. We do not need to live life constantly overcome by the fear of death. We serve a God that is in control of all things, even life itself. For that reason, we are able to trust Him and enjoy the life He has given us!


Fear (Part 4)

The Issue: Claustrophobia, arachnophobia, and acrophobia are just a few of the hundreds of phobias that plague our society. In the right situation, these hidden fears can strike panic in the blink of an eye. Though most people do not talk much about their phobias, they are definitely real! You may be thinking about a phobia you have right now (or several that you have!). Let’s look at how we can tackle these fears.

What does the Bible say?

David had emotions and fears just like us. Note how David described a particular fear he was experiencing:

 Psalm 55:4-6 – He was terribly frightened, he was overwhelmed by his fear, just wanted to fly away and leave it behind. Now, let us see how David tackled his fears by looking at his battle with Goliath. Note the steps that lead to victory:

 I Samuel 17:4-7; 32 – Identify the fear/know what it is.

 I Samuel 17:34-37 – Trust in God, acknowledge past victories.

 I Samuel 17:44-47 – Focus on what God can do, not the fear.

 I Samuel 17:48-50 – Confidently take opportunities to face your fear and watch God give you the victory over them.

What should I do?

Phobias often make us want to run and hide, but God wants us to learn to have confidence in Him. As we begin to face these fears and learn to overcome them, we will develop a greater trust in God and His power. God wants our total confidence, even through our phobias. Just as David said in Psalm 56:3, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in You.


Fear (Part 5)

The Issue: There is one fear that many people experience that is rarely ever talked about. It is a fear that affects the decisions we make, the things we do, the places we go, and the things we say. This fear can be referred to as the “fear of man.” This is a fear that causes us to worry too much about what people think of us, and as a result, live our lives centered on making people happy. This fear takes our focus off of what it should be, and can easily rob us from being who God wants us to be.

What does the Bible say?

 Read John 12:42-43. What did the believers not do and what did they fear would happen if they did (v. 42)? They did not confess Christ out of fear of being kicked out of the synagogue. - What was the heart issue these believers had (v. 43)? They loved the praise of their friends more than the praise of God.

 What is the result of the fear of man according to Proverbs 29:25? What does this mean? The fear of man brings a snare. It gets us in trouble; makes us do things we should not do.

 How did Moses overcome the fear of man (Heb. 11:27)? He kept his focus on God; he was not worried what people thought.

 What goal did the Christians have in I Thess. 2:4 (and why)? To please God, not man, b/c God knows our hearts.

What should I do?

Falling for peer pressure, missing opportunities to share the gospel, and not standing up for what is right are all signs of the fear of man. Has the fear of man affected you? We must realize that we are accountable to God, not those around us. Rather than fearing the opinions that people may have of us, let us focus on what God thinks of us and focus on pleasing Him with our lives.


Fear (Part 6)
The Issue: Through this study we have discussed a variety of fears that we need to overcome. In this final lesson, however, we will look at a fear that actually serves a good purpose. That is the fear of God. Whereas most fears bring about a sense of being frighten and scared, the fear of God is different. Fearing God refers to the sense of awe and respect we have for God when we consider who He truly is.

What does the Bible say?

Why is God worthy to be feared?

 Ps. 33:6-9 – Because He created all things.

 Matt. 10:28 – Because He has power over life and eternity.

 II Cor. 5:10; Rev. 14:7 – B/c we’ll stand before Him someday. What results come from fearing God?

 Prov. 1:7 – It will enable us to grow in true wisdom.

 Prov. 28:14 – It keep us out of trouble.

 Ex. 20:20 – It prevents us from sinning.

 Ps. 103:11 – We receive God’s mercy and compassion.

What should I do?

Fearing people, things, or circumstances does not need to be a part our life. God has not giving us the spirit of fear (II Tim. 1:7). Yet there is a sense of honor and reverence that does come with knowing and serving God. That is a healthy fear that puts things into a proper perspective. It shows that we recognize Him as the Almighty God of the Universe and take seriously what He says. With that comes true satisfaction (Ps. 103:11) and a life that pleases the Lord (Ps. 147:11)!


Friendship (Part 1)

The Issue: Everyone loves good friendships. We all appreciate the fun and great memories that come with having friends. No doubt, friendship is a wonderful thing. As we begin our series on friendships, let’s take a look at what Scripture says is the purpose behind our friendships and try to gain a greater understanding of the important role friends have in our lives.

What does the Bible say?

Note what these verses teach concerning the purpose of friendships:

 Prov. 27:5-6 – Confronting sin and keeping each other in line.

 Prov. 27:9 – Giving advice and helpful counsel when needed.

 Prov. 27:17 – Building each other up/improving each other.

 Eccl. 4:9-12 – Encouraging and strengthening each other.

 Acts 27:3 – Helping meet the needs of one another.

What should I do?

As we can see, friendships can be highly valuable. We must recognize the need we have for friends, as well as the important role we have in each other’s lives. As you reflect over the verses above, keep in mind these helpful truths:

1. It is easier for others to notice areas in our life that need to be improved than it is for us to notice ourselves.

2. Keeping each other accountable can go a long way toward growing in godliness.

3. An encouraging word or a helping hand may be exactly how God desires you to uplift a friend. It is always good to evaluate your friendships to be sure they are meeting the purposes God has intended for them. Developing good friendships and surrounding yourself with good people is key. We’ll look at this more in our next lesson.


Friendships (Part 2)

The Issue: Often when we think of our friends, good times and crazy stories come to mind. In addition to the fun, our previous lesson showed how friendships serve an important purpose in shaping us into the kind of people God wants us to be. For this reason, we must take our friendships seriously, which includes making wise choices regarding who we call friends.

What does the Bible say?

As we begin, let’s see what Scripture says when it comes to choosing friends:

 Prov. 12:26 – It’s good to be cautious when choosing friends.

 I Cor. 5:9-11 – Do not hang out with people involved in sin.

 I Cor. 15:33 – Beware, bad company will corrupt good habits.  Prov. 19:6-7 – Watch out for people who want to use you.

 Prov. 13:20 – Having wise friends will make a person wise. What should I do?

When it comes to making friends, Scripture does not imply that we should hang out with whoever will hang out with us. Rather, we are told to carefully choose individuals who demonstrate godliness. Some good questions to ask may be:

1. Will this person bring me closer to the Lord or pull me away from Him?

2. Is this person living the kind of life that God would want me to live? In order to enjoy good friendships, we must first have good friends. Only then will we be able to enjoy the benefits God offers through those relationships. Next, we’ll conclude our series by considering some practical tips Scripture gives on how we can be a good friend to others.


Friendships (Part 3)

The Issue: We all appreciate a good, loyal friend. We enjoy having a friend come by when we need someone to talk to, a word of encouragement or just a good laugh. However, we must keep in mind that a friendship is a two-way relationship. Let’s think about how to be a good friend as we conclude our study.

What does the Bible say?

Notice what advice these verses give about being a good friend to others:

 I Sam. 20:41-42 – Tell your friends you care about them.

 Prov. 17:17; 27:10 – Show an unconditional commitment.

 John 15:12-13 – Lovingly put your friends above yourself.

 I Cor. 16:17-18 – Be an encourager; uplift your friends.

 Phil. 1:3-4; Col. 1:3 – Pray for them on a regular basis.

What should I do?

These Scriptural truths will allow you to be the kind of friend God intends for you to be. Putting these into practice may be somewhat difficult at first, especially if you are not used to doing them, but the impact they will make will be well worth it. When thinking about what areas you need to improve, consider the following:

1. Think of specific things you could say or do to show your friends you care about them, and be sure to do them!

2. Friendships require a sacrifice of time, energy, and resources. Focus on giving rather than receiving.

3. Develop a reputation of trust. Avoid doing things that hurt the friendship, and be willing to apologize if you fail. If we want to enjoy the benefits of a good friendship, we must learn how to be a good friend. Only then will we see what a true friendship is all about


Living in the World (Part 1)

Our world can present many opportunities and many challenges for a follower of Jesus Christ. In the lessons ahead, we will examine several Scriptural principles that we must take to heart as we live in the world. To begin, consider these biblical truths concerning the life God has given us.

Recognizing Our High Calling

As believers in Christ, we make up the church. The meaning of the word “church” refers to a group of individuals who have been “called out.” Followers of Christ have been chosen and redeemed by God Himself (Eph. 1:4-6), and have been given a high calling (Phil. 3:14) in which our lives are to bring glory to God (Eph. 3:21; 5:27). We are here, not to live for ourselves, but for the glory and honor of our Creator!

 How does our calling add significance to our lives? It gives clear meaning and purpose to our lives - we exist for God!

Understanding Our Place in the World

Jesus tells His followers, “You are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world” (John 15:19; read John 17:14-16). Through faith in Christ, our citizenship (and thus identity) is with the family of God (Eph. 2:19). We are no longer identified with the world. We still live here, but we are just passing through (I Pet. 2:11). For this reason, it can be said that we are “in” the world but not “of” the world.

 How should being “in not of” the world impact the way we live? Though we are a part of the society in which we live, our lives should be clearly different from those of the world. We are not here to blend into our world, for our purpose gives us a higher calling. We are not to fit in, for our identity sets us apart! As believers, the lives we live must be different!


Living in the World (Part 2)

One of the most difficult obstacles we face as we try to live for Christ is the constant pressures around us to conform to the ways of the world. How do these pressures impact you? Going a Different Direction In a world focused on pleasing “self” and gratifying the “flesh,” our call to be light in the darkness demonstrates the dramatic difference that should be seen in the life of a believer (Eph. 5:8).

Just as light and darkness do not mix, neither should the believer’s life with the way of the world (note Eph. 2:1-10; 4:17-24). The ultimate question we have to ask ourselves concerning the direction of our lives is, “What is our passion?” Our passion will drive the decisions we make. Caving into peer pressure or willingly doing whatever it takes to “fit in” only reveals that our passion for the world is greater than our passion for Christ. And just like light and darkness, these two passions cannot coexist (I John 2:15).

 What does Matt. 6:24 say concerning our passion for God? It needs to be wholehearted; we cannot split our passions.

Standing Strong through the Pressure

Our passion for God will bring about choices to live our lives for Him! In a world where living for God is not always popular, we must be prepared to stand strong when facing opposition:

 Determine to live for Christ and be committed to Him (Joshua 24:15).

 Establish yourself as a leader who sets the example, not a follower who gives into pressure (I Tim. 4:12).

 Prepare yourself for each day (Eph. 6:11). Look to Christ for strength and wisdom to make good decisions. As a believer, you must determine to make an impact for Christ on others, or else others will make an impact on you!


Living in the World (Part 3)

Certain things in our world are given a lot of promotion and attention, especially toward teenagers, which can tempt us to compromise our morals. Let’s take a look at these issues.

Feeling the Pressure

Sometimes the idea of “growing up” or “truly fitting in” is linked with certain activities. Drinking alcohol, having sex, and using drugs often seem to be included. Drinking is sometimes viewed as the key to a good party. Sex outside of marriage has become normal. Drug use may be used as an escape from the problems of life or a way to show that you are “cool.” The idea that “it’s the thing to do” or “everyone seems to be doing it” can influence us to give into the flesh in an attempt to gain acceptance or even popularity. However, consider Moses’ attitude when faced with such decisions:

 What was Moses’ attitude toward temptation (Heb. 11:25- 27)? He chose God over the temporal pleasures of sin.

Seeing Temptation for What It Is

When faced with these big pressures, the reality of choosing who we are living for really hits home! When our focus is on God, we see these temptations for what they are. We see the reality of what drinking, casual sex and drugs create: broken families, ruined careers and destroyed lives. God is not against us enjoying life, but sin always leads to death and destruction, and there is nothing enjoyable about that!

 Note where true satisfaction comes from (Mark 8:34-37): Denying ourselves and being serious about following Christ. Following the Lord keeps us from the guilt and dangers of sin. Also, especially in these areas, it allows us to show the world what a life truly blessed by the Lord looks like!


Living in the World (Part 4)

When you think about your life, what is it that you are living for? What are your goals and ambitions? What do you desire for your future? The answers to these questions will determine the decisions you make as your life moves forward.

Considering the Motives for What We Do

There are a lot of things in this life that people pursue. Many people dedicate their lives to things like landing a dream job, buying a lavish house, and having a lot of money in the bank. While these things in and of themselves may not be bad, we must consider the motive behind what we do. Many goals we have are based on trying to “prove” ourselves by living up to or exceeding the expectations that our family, friends, or culture puts on us. Others pursue goals that will make their lives easy and comfortable, hoping to find security in the things they have. However, God does not call us to live selfcentered lives focused on our own desires or comforts.

 What should the goal of our life be (Phil. 3:12-14)? That our lives would be lived in a way worthy of our calling in Christ.

Understanding the Joy of Surrender

When we realize that our lives are not about us, but about living for and pleasing our Creator, we are truly able to live focused on Christ. We are then able to dedicate our abilities, time, and yes, even the dreams we have for our future, to Him. This is genuine surrender of ourselves to Christ!

 What should we give over to God according to Romans 12:1-2? Ourselves! All of who we are should be for God’s use! When we abandon our own desires and replace them with a wholehearted commitment to live for Christ, we find the true meaning and joy that comes with living life as God intended!


Living in the World (Part 5)

Your life represents just one of the billions of people on our planet, but do not underestimate the role you can play in making an impact for the cause of Christ. When you are passionate about your calling to live for Christ, God blesses!

Living on Mission

We are here on earth for a reason. God has placed us around so many people, not just to meet unique individuals and make friends, but to share with them the life changing story of what God has done through Christ. When we fail to share the good news of the gospel, we miss opportunities to give people the same hope, peace and joy we have. This is the mission Jesus Christ Himself has given us (Matt. 28:19-20).

 What does Romans 10:14-15 say about our mission? In order for people to hear the gospel, we must share it!

Living a Life of Impact

In order to be sold out for Christ, we must not only know our calling to represent Christ well, but we must also be willing to actively do it! Being on mission for Christ is not just a gameplan, it is a willful decision to take intentional steps to be used by God in practical ways. Showing compassion, kindness and love through acts of service will open doors to share the gospel. And when the gospel is shared, the power of God can work in the hearts of those who hear (Rom. 1:16).

 How can God use you to make an impact in your world? __ _________________________________________________________

Our study has examined some of the many challenges and opportunities that living in the world brings. May we commit to living our lives for the glory of God! May we live in a way that allows people to see Christ living through us (Gal. 2:20)!