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if u were in a hawker centre, then a quite chiogirl approached u, and asked if...


..u could exchange $30 cash by her paynow-ing u and u give her $30 cash, would u?

went to eat breakfast with my housemate then a chiogirl approached me and asked if I could help her exchange as she wanted to dabao food for her family but forgotten to bring wallet out...

i ok lor and she's grateful and thank me...

then i bought my food, went back to table where housemate is, then she asked me what happened as she saw me talking to chiogirl. i told her the incident and she said i always so gullible and one fine day will sure get scammed!

really meh, just help to exchange cash will tio scammed meh? the chiogirl paynow me first, money come in, i checked, then give her cash...how to be scammed????

now housemate blackface me...knn
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..u could exchange $30 cash by her paynow-ing u and u give her $30 cash, would u?

went to eat breakfast with my housemate then a chiogirl approached me and asked if I could help her exchange as she wanted to dabao food for her family but forgotten to bring wallet out...

i ok lor and she's grateful and thank me...

then i bought my food, went back to table where housemate is, then she asked me what happened as she saw me talking to chiogirl. i told her the incident and she said i always so gullible and one fine day will sure get scammed!

really meh, just help to exchange cash will tio scammed meh? the chiogirl paynow me first, money come in, i checked, then give her cash...how to be scammed????

now housemate blackface me...knn
Possible, several months ago, when I was at axs paying bills, got man approached me to ask me to pay his bills by axs and in return he would pay me cash, I walked away.
Cause there is the possibility that this may might use fake currency notes to me


Of all the people.Why u ? She must have noticed your charisma,that's why she take the initiative to know u . Also observe your housemate a bit greeneyed. 555
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..u could exchange $30 cash by her paynow-ing u and u give her $30 cash, would u?

went to eat breakfast with my housemate then a chiogirl approached me and asked if I could help her exchange as she wanted to dabao food for her family but forgotten to bring wallet out...

i ok lor and she's grateful and thank me...

then i bought my food, went back to table where housemate is, then she asked me what happened as she saw me talking to chiogirl. i told her the incident and she said i always so gullible and one fine day will sure get scammed!

really meh, just help to exchange cash will tio scammed meh? the chiogirl paynow me first, money come in, i checked, then give her cash...how to be scammed????

now housemate blackface me...knn
KNN these scam method is used by many tiongs.
You never read the report on the mbs exchange money scam meh KNN


..u could exchange $30 cash by her paynow-ing u and u give her $30 cash, would u?

went to eat breakfast with my housemate then a chiogirl approached me and asked if I could help her exchange as she wanted to dabao food for her family but forgotten to bring wallet out...

i ok lor and she's grateful and thank me...

then i bought my food, went back to table where housemate is, then she asked me what happened as she saw me talking to chiogirl. i told her the incident and she said i always so gullible and one fine day will sure get scammed!

really meh, just help to exchange cash will tio scammed meh? the chiogirl paynow me first, money come in, i checked, then give her cash...how to be scammed????

now housemate blackface me...knn
She is either a scammer or a prostitute


really meh, just help to exchange cash will tio scammed meh? the chiogirl paynow me first, money come in, i checked, then give her cash...how to be scammed????
Did you checked properly anot? Or mesmerised by her holes then anyhow check, never come in also become got come in like gongtao ?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Possible, several months ago, when I was at axs paying bills, got man approached me to ask me to pay his bills by axs and in return he would pay me cash, I walked away.
Cause there is the possibility that this may might use fake currency notes to me

o man asked u la ...

if sexy chiobu asked u leh? ...
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Did you checked properly anot? Or mesmerised by her holes then anyhow check, never come in also become got come in like gongtao ?
yah. money is in. no sign of scamming of my bank account. she's genuine damsel in distress lah


yah. money is in. no sign of scamming of my bank account. she's genuine damsel in distress lah
OK. I think becos you are tall and good looking so is possible to be genuine.
If it was me then confirm is either scammer or prostitute, scammer being more likely.
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