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I support Shanmugam to be next Prime Minister of Singapore

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Do not trust an INDIAN who brags he is not gay, but the same guy is perverted in the closet.... So, if a CECA claims or swears, he is not a gay, he is a hardcore gay indeed. Other races simply accept their orientations truthfully. Indians wont but take advantage of it over other races.

INDIANS ARE FAKE in everything they do. They are even too greedy or horny for sex even if their cock is weak with erectile dysfunction. Nothing wrong to accept if he or she a gay if perverted but they don't agree. Stupid brought up.

NO wonder INDIA is the origin of all perverted sex and secretly extended to other races all over the world.
Modi who is a hardcore GAY who got the agenda to promote LGBTQ+ with their internet ideologies, digital transformation, CECA, and YOGA. Every CECA walking in SG streets is a sexual predator. Street of SG is now too filthy and smelly due to perverted sex.

It is still conservative society, but PM Lee, Shanmugam think otherwise.


Iposos is the subsidiary of GOOGLE predominantly employed by CECA from INDIA who work in SG, USA and UK and other western countries and are paid to take SURVEY only to promote and force countries to repeal and agree sodomy

The majority of IPOSOS employs only Indian expats (they do not want locals to work there as they fear secret agenda not to be exposed. It is their trade secret. IPOSOS did conduct survey within their LinkedIn Indian migrants and then claiming falsely that 44% Singapore Citizens are now supporting homosexual to repeal 377a. Remember it is a FAKE SURVEY to empower PM LEE and Shanmugam to plot best way backward for 377A. It is premeditated. Mr Shanmugam should bear all the responsibilities of all immoralities in SG going forward. GOOGLE is the most anti-social. Beware.

When Shanmugam said best way forward, but he did it backward??? Any idea??
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I will support anyone to be PM as long as he could guarantee 10% interest for CPF OA and 20% interest for CPF SA.


how abt our 1st SM...

if he's still around.:geek:

syed putra

Haven't you blokes lived long enough to know that shitskins are not to be trusted? You give them a bit of power and they will surely wield it to the max and beyond.

Very sad for the UK. Whites comprise 87% of the total population. Asians only 6.9%. Yet a minority can be PM. Looks like Ang Moh are no longer the best.
Ang mohs gets much more playing cricket and football, writing and singing than becoming PM.


Haven't you blokes lived long enough to know that shitskins are not to be trusted? You give them a bit of power and they will surely wield it to the max and beyond.

Very sad for the UK. Whites comprise 87% of the total population. Asians only 6.9%. Yet a minority can be PM. Looks like Ang Moh are no longer the best.
Indians will bring their whole motherfucking village to Singapore and conquer Singapore soon. PAP voters approve.