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I support Shanmugam to be next Prime Minister of Singapore


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


Sinkieland is not ready for an Indian PM.
If Rishi Sunak can and will be Prime Minister of United Kingdom, this will be good for Indians in Commonwealth countries to show that we Indians are worthy, capable and fit to be in top political leadership positions in any country.


If Rishi Sunak can and will be Prime Minister of United Kingdom, this will be good for Indians in Commonwealth countries to show that we Indians are worthy, capable and fit to be in top political leadership positions in any country.

Please tell that to Pinky and his minions.

syed putra

If Rishi Sunak can and will be Prime Minister of United Kingdom, this will be good for Indians in Commonwealth countries to show that we Indians are worthy, capable and fit to be in top political leadership positions in any country.
Indians in pubs will brag about this if shan is made PM. But i must say, he should be PM.


Indians in pubs will brag about this if shan is made PM. But i must say, he should be PM.
In terms of brains, capabilities and talent that PAP currently has, Shan is the best. He is quick, he can think on his feet, eloquent, logical and has shown quality leadership over the years in service. I dare say he is even more capable than our current Prime Minister Lee Hsien.Loong.

Singapore Dancing Spirit


Great Leaders or Lawyers Never Show Emotion, Until They Need To...

The concept of man is having a "soul" with feelings, emotions, passions, and desires; as having a spirit of intelligence, will, self-consciousness, and self-determination; and as having a spirit body through which these faculties are manifested. Yes let me rephrase it again, Man's soul is the seat of the *emotions, passions, desires, appetites, and all feelings*. Man's spirit is the seat of *the intellect, will, and conscience*. It is capable of all divine powers only in a lesser degree.

A successful leader will control all emotions and feelings while living here on earth. Anyone who cannot control the emotions FIT FOR NOTHING. I have closely observed Mr. LKY as to how he manages such circumstances. I think his wife trained him well who was a control freak. So LKY learnt to mask his sadness with anger. He would bottle up his feelings without referring to any notes and then explode once he hit my breaking point. Too often he would lash out at people that didn’t deserve it.

Me too. I can take the stage and can deliver 4 hours impromptu speech on any topic under the sun, or above sun or under the earth. During my university days, I used to represent my university at international elocution competitions as i always was a topper in speaking on any “topic”, challenging "native English speakers" from USA, UK, Canada, AU and NZ. That is when i realize the “power of speaking” is articulating flow with the profound wisdom and knowledge on the topic we present. If I am struck in any emotions such as fear or sad, i would not have conquered all such speakers.

My flow of my speech will be like a stream of waters, never struck with such folly emotions.

For example....

My mom used to encourage me Real Men Don’t Cry (always Quoting my dad's traits) to boost my confidence. Men are labeled as “weak” if they cry at any circumstances. I never cry even if tears burst at times of mourning.

Rule of thumb in life

You may be doom and gloom but do NOT weep or garnish your teeth
you may be horny, but do NOT molest anyone; NOT masturbate (maturating is a SIGN of weakness)
you may be angry but should NOT take your own life or commit suicide

So, controlling emotions are very vital to be successful even in sex-life
Even if I involve in sex, I can control my feelings, meaning I can control my premature ejaculations/

If I want to have sex, I might need minimum 8 hours of relaxed fun. My physical strength and my stamina of my sex life is unthinkable, i can prolong my sex for 24 hours in sex marathon without premature ejaculation if I want to.

My verdict

Please sneak a peek at the video below and then you decide if he is eloquent. He does not have any MERIT if we enforce meritocracy.
To me Mr. Shanmugam is so WEAK vessel, and he cannot be a LEADER he can be a woman easily if he wears a saree. when people look up to him, he should convince, comfort and persuade the mourners with empathy. But he was seeking sympathy or trying to steal the public sympathy for his career (selfish attitude). He should be crying and weeping on such occasions. I knew Mr. Shanmugam will weep forever in the afterlife in nude and barefooted in the next life immediately after death.

Just my discernments.
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Old Fart
Haven't you blokes lived long enough to know that shitskins are not to be trusted? You give them a bit of power and they will surely wield it to the max and beyond.

Very sad for the UK. Whites comprise 87% of the total population. Asians only 6.9%. Yet a minority can be PM. Looks like Ang Moh are no longer the best.


In terms of brains, capabilities and talent that PAP currently has, Shan is the best. He is quick, he can think on his feet, eloquent, logical and has shown quality leadership over the years in service. I dare say he is even more capable than our current Prime Minister Lee Hsien.Loong.
If he got balls to go oversea to attend the court case.. just like LKY many year ago to face journalists.. than I believe he can be PM.. otherwise he just a woosy bullie in Spore.

Singapore Dancing Spirit


When Shanmugam was asked to bid farewell to Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, this video speaks for itself.


  • K Shanmugam crying_Trim.mp4
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Singapore Dancing Spirit

Even if he can win the UK elections, he can NOT win or persuade the hearts of the people
He cannot be a WORLD LEADER.

Same thing goes to Lawrence Wong too.

Money can buy a bed; not sleep.
Freebies and other financial help may buy voters, not leaders.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Tharman should be better than Shan.

I could not find any INDIAN politicians in SG who has the inherent leadership Qualities.
They are all believe in LUCK themselves and not meritocracy/

Luck and merit are mutually exclusive. Merit must be a key for evaluating such qualifications (it is NOT about race, religion, age, skin color, wealth... etc)

For example.

Gay OBAMA and Tranny MICHAL were the first LGBTQ couple who spent 2 terms in White House as first black President and first LADY BOY in USA History.

Mr. Goh Chok Tong was an Indian origin who had already served a PM in Singapore.

Please see Michele Obama in the picture below whose name was Michael.
Their daughters are NOT their biological daughters, and the TWINs of Mr. Goh Chok Tong were not his biological children either.


  • michaelobama - Copy.jpg
    michaelobama - Copy.jpg
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Singapore Dancing Spirit

Haven't you blokes lived long enough to know that shitskins are not to be trusted? You give them a bit of power and they will surely wield it to the max and beyond.

Very sad for the UK. Whites comprise 87% of the total population. Asians only 6.9%. Yet a minority can be PM. Looks like Ang Moh are no longer the best.

Whites in UK got itchy "asses" and they are all assholes already. They will be blind eternally.

Do you know GAY is a Hebrew word, that means HELL
Hell bound folks are called Gays, Sodomites... Hellfire is their destiny.

They cannot comprehend the wonders of Vagina.