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I saw two liberal muslims bought steam fish from non halal Chinese stall




Alfrescian (Inf)
Some of the more liberal Muslims don't mind dating or fucking the haram folks. They also enjoy clubbing and alcoholic drinks.

The Islamofascists, however, only buy food from '100% Muslim-owned' eateries, because even halal certification alone is not good enough for them.

You can probably identify them from their social media posts these days, see lots of posts about Palestine, Gaza, Rafah etc.

syed putra

Got pork and lard in steam fish? I am not a fan of steam fish, but their so called fish or clam soup contains toxic additives and substance.


All power to Muslims who're breaking free from their religious shackles!

I think its time people got over the notion that food gets you into heaven, or hell. Food, sex, dress, money are ways that the the priesthood and clergy (almost always male) in all religions have used to control their sheeplike followers down the centuries. While Christianity - and Buddhism to some degree - has been sidelined by scientific materialism in the Industrial Age, Islam remains stuck in the Middle Ages.

syed putra

All power to Muslims who're breaking free from their religious shackles!

I think its time people got over the notion that food gets you into heaven, or hell. Food, sex, dress, money are ways that the the priesthood and clergy (almost always male) in all religions have used to control their sheeplike followers down the centuries. While Christianity - and Buddhism to some degree - has been sidelined by scientific materialism in the Industrial Age, Islam remains stuck in the Middle Ages.
Those Muslim girls did not know Chinese typically cheat on ingredients by adding pork but not labelling it as such. It's s infringement of consumer rights to know and a violation of ethical business practice.


My Indian Muslim colleague loves to eat chicken rice from the Chinese stall near our office even though it is not halal certified, and sells char siew and roast pork as well.
my Muslim fren loves Nana chicken and mutton curry despite the stall also sells pork rib curry