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I got my shot!


Alfrescian (Inf)
I think she's just one of those unlucky ones.
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Can consider buy life insurance just in case u mati early... family get paid first from insurance then sue PAP for x years loss of income... huat ah...


Cos daft sinkies will believe watever MIW say.:smile:
The vaccine is bigger than the MIW. Oppie Paul Thambyah recommends it too. If you reject vaccination because of your hatred of the MIW, you have truly let them screw you up...


Taking the Wuhan virus vaccine is basically playing Russian Roulette with a syringe.
That is not true. Vaccinations protect 95% and if you get COVID19, it downgrades the disease so it becomes so mild you won't die or suffer serious illness. Over 2 billion people in the world are vaccinated. They cant all be playing Russian roulette.


That is not true. Vaccinations protect 95% and if you get COVID19, it downgrades the disease so it becomes so mild you won't die or suffer serious illness. Over 2 billion people in the world are vaccinated. They cant all be playing Russian roulette.
Specious reasoning. :unsure:


Alfrescian (Inf)
I got my 1st jab on Friday.
Little pain when the needle was poked.
Stayed in holding Bay for 1/2 hour to see any reaction than can go home.
After that can feel the pain, especially when I used strength/muscle on my injection arm. My friend said he had a bit swelling, but I had no swelling, the pain lasted until Sunday morning.


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KNN the vaccination drive has leeched a milestone and my uncle can give a executive summary here KNN
1. Data published for getting fever on 2nd jab is inaccurate as the rate of getting fever is about >=50% leegardless of age and health conditions KNN
2. Other Side effects varies and age and pre existing health conditions has no leelationship with the Side effects KNN I.e purelee based on luck and own body leeaction KNN


Alfrescian (Inf)
KNN the vaccination drive has leeched a milestone and my uncle can give a executive summary here KNN
1. Data published for getting fever on 2nd jab is inaccurate as the rate of getting fever is about >=50% leegardless of age and health conditions KNN
2. Other Side effects varies and age and pre existing health conditions has no leelationship with the Side effects KNN I.e purelee based on luck and own body leeaction KNN
2nd shot, most of them, the bodies become heaty, some have mild fever, that's why must drink a lot water, coconut water or chao kuek drink to keep the body cool. Panadol will do the trick for mild fever.


2nd shot, most of them, the bodies become heaty, some have mild fever, that's why must drink a lot water, coconut water or chao kuek drink to keep the body cool. Panadol will do the trick for mild fever.

Raped 2nd time? By indian dick.


That is not true. Vaccinations protect 95% and if you get COVID19, it downgrades the disease so it becomes so mild you won't die or suffer serious illness. Over 2 billion people in the world are vaccinated. They cant all be playing Russian roulette.

British MP Lord Palmerston: The constitution of USA need opium and we are merely supply to their needs.... huat ah..... vaccine is not better than opium...