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I got my shot!


I got my 1st jab on Friday.
Little pain when the needle was poked.
Stayed in holding Bay for 1/2 hour to see any reaction than can go home.
After that can feel the pain, especially when I used strength/muscle on my injection arm. My friend said he had a bit swelling, but I had no swelling, the pain lasted until Sunday morning.
It was nice knowing you. Fare well. :cry:


Gongcheebye Mark Yeo aka @kiketerm is similar to Gongcheebye Judy Sim, likes to curse people. :rolleyes:



That is not true. Vaccinations protect 95% and if you get COVID19, it downgrades the disease so it becomes so mild you won't die or suffer serious illness. Over 2 billion people in the world are vaccinated. They cant all be playing Russian roulette.
Fact check:
This statement has now been proven to be untrue.