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I bought iPhone 13 and change new 5g SIM card but still shows 4g


Old Fart
cheap but not everywhere is good. in crowded places like Chinatown or Little India where all these cheapo network users congregate, it's bad. Simi lanjiao 5G they promise u also no fuck use
Very sporadic reception from what I've heard, similar to how Starhub was in the late 1990s. Reception in Tekong was a heng-suay thing, easier to just use the payphones there.
wah, in that case I better stick to M1 for the time being. Cell connectivity is very important to me, not because I watch porn which I don't because it is sinful. But more so I need to stay in touch with my stable of chio pussies behind my wife's back.
  • Haha
Reactions: cat


wah, in that case I better stick to M1 for the time being. Cell connectivity is very important to me, not because I watch porn which I don't because it is sinful. But more so I need to stay in touch with my stable of chio pussies behind my wife's back.
so old still so horny....越老越色


How come ? Is it because shit hole at Jurong got no 5g?

5G cell towers are everywhere in Singapore. You will find one in every building but unfortunately it was not the 5G for your mobile phone


5g for simba is really bad,. Latency is really bad for simba
Lower latency means faster data transfer and a better user experience. In 5G networks, latency is significantly reduced, typically ranging from 1 ms to 20 ms, enabling more responsive and real-time communication. But since simba is delcared 5G, we should not have any issue with it. But we are still having problem with it


5g for simba is really bad,. Latency is really bad for simba
Lower latency means faster data transfer and a better user experience. In 5G networks, latency is significantly reduced, typically ranging from 1 ms to 20 ms, enabling more responsive and real-time communication. But since simba is delcared 5G, we should not have any issue with it. But we are still having problem with it
PAP got close one eye on Simba misrepresentation of their 5g in adverts


Alfrescian (Inf)
older model iphones don’t have radio or baseband chips that support 5g. simple as that. 5g includes the air interface protocol stack and new frequencies.